FOR TODAY...from Jami's Daybook
Outside my window...I am deep in the library right now (Taking a break from studying) so there are no windows near me. I suppose if there were a window you would see many students studying.
I am thinking...of all the information I must know for my Old Testament Theology quiz in 30 minutes...
I am thankful for...my wonderful family that I just got to spend a terrific weekend with!
From the kitchen...Mmmm Hot Artichoke and Spinach dip and pizza bites. I just got an appetizer cookbook and have been on a kick...haha
I am wearing...my super warm pink ugg boots, black shirt with jeans and a light green jacket with a black coat over..I get cold easy..haha
I am creating...well starting to think about creating our Christmas card for this year. I think I'm gonna play around on photoshop and try to create our own...we'll see how it goes!
I am going...to Old Testament Theology class in about half an hour. I LOVE the class, but hate the time it's at. 7:30-10:30p.m. ick!
I am reading..."Theology of the Old Testament" by Walter Eichrodt
I am hoping...to decorate our apartment for Christmas on Wednesday!! Should be fun!!
I am hearing...The sound of typing and of computers whirring...not much else..I'm in the library.
Around the house...there are boxes of Christmas decorations. I had the hubby bring them up from the garage and just waiting to put them up! the house looks messy in the meantime.
One of my favorite things...is messing around with photoshop! :D
A few plans for the rest of the week:like i said, we will hopefully be decorating our apartment for Christmas and other than that I have a HUGE term paper due so lots of research and then finals in two weeks..fun! haha
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Outside my window...I am deep in the library right now (Taking a break from studying) so there are no windows near me. I suppose if there were a window you would see many students studying.
I am thinking...of all the information I must know for my Old Testament Theology quiz in 30 minutes...
I am thankful for...my wonderful family that I just got to spend a terrific weekend with!
From the kitchen...Mmmm Hot Artichoke and Spinach dip and pizza bites. I just got an appetizer cookbook and have been on a kick...haha
I am wearing...my super warm pink ugg boots, black shirt with jeans and a light green jacket with a black coat over..I get cold easy..haha
I am creating...well starting to think about creating our Christmas card for this year. I think I'm gonna play around on photoshop and try to create our own...we'll see how it goes!
I am going...to Old Testament Theology class in about half an hour. I LOVE the class, but hate the time it's at. 7:30-10:30p.m. ick!
I am reading..."Theology of the Old Testament" by Walter Eichrodt
I am hoping...to decorate our apartment for Christmas on Wednesday!! Should be fun!!
I am hearing...The sound of typing and of computers whirring...not much else..I'm in the library.
Around the house...there are boxes of Christmas decorations. I had the hubby bring them up from the garage and just waiting to put them up! the house looks messy in the meantime.
One of my favorite things...is messing around with photoshop! :D
A few plans for the rest of the week:like i said, we will hopefully be decorating our apartment for Christmas and other than that I have a HUGE term paper due so lots of research and then finals in two weeks..fun! haha
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
*Our first Thanksgiving Married*
Haha Meme is in the background! I'm sure she would love that if she knew I was posting this! ;)

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