So this week I am thankful for…
1) I am thankful for amazing online ministries such as A Woman Inspired. Click on that link to check out their website. They are a great online ministry that offers wonderful online, week-long women’s conferences for $12.95…yup you heard me right, $12.95! That is an incredible price and their conferences seem A-ma-zing! I haven’t participated in one yet (I juuust missed the last one by a week ;( ). However I plan on participating in one called “one marriage” coming up in May. I am very excited about this! And you can buy mp3’s of their last conferences plus all the handouts, power points, and chat logs for only $9.95. I am going to buy their last conference on “Nurturing Creativity/Efficient Living” and their 2009 “Online Ministry” conference. I am VERY excited to start listening to the conferences and I’ll definitely let you all know how it goes :D
Please please please go check out their website: A Woman Inspired
2) I am thankful for my loving husband who is always there to lift me up when I’m feeling down. He is so caring and loving.
3) I am thankful for My family. This is often one of my five things but it is oh so true. I am so thankful for not only a loving family but also a loving family-in-law. The Hubby and I have such a loving place to go when we are down. They are all truly amazing.
4) I am thankful for Ebay. Yup I said it haha. I am going to be starting to sell some old things I have around the house…hehe such as OLD Pokemon cards I have from when I was like 7! But I am thankful for the internet and being able to do something like this. 20 years who this would not have been possible :D
5) I am thankful that it is 4:23. I get to go home to my Hubby in 7 minutes :D and I need my hubby’s love right now. I’ve been in a funky mood the past few days and whenever I see my Hubby he brightens my Day :D I can’t wait to be in his arms in now 6 short minutes :D
What are you thankful for today? It is so important to remember that nothing we do is from us. God makes all things possible and taking just a few short minutes every day to remember that is much needed. Thank you Lord for all you do in my life.
What are you thankful for Today?!?

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