

New Award & Friday Follow

I recieved my first award!!!! I am so excited!

I got the "One Lovely Blog Award" from Natalie over at The Adventures of Paul & Natalie!
Thank you so much Natalie for thinking of me with this award :D

So now the Rules:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Who I picked:

Also today is Friday Follow!!
So if you are new here look around a bit and let me know you were here!! I have an "About Me" tab up there you could check out!
If you want to participate, head over HERE to check out all the details!

Friday Follow
Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
*So it seems that the followers widget is not working very well right now! So if you want to follow me, simply go up to the toolbar and click follow (It's the button on the far right). Thanks and have a great friday!*


My new Apron!

Hey check out my new apron!!!

It’s from Flirty Aprons! Thanks to Flirty Aprons and to Sarah Mae who hosted the giveaway that I won this on :D I love this apron so much and if you are getting married anytime in the next few years you can bet this is what you will be getting from me for your bridal shower!!
Check out Flirty Aprons to see their great aprons! And no, I am not getting paid to do this. Lol I just love them so much! They have been popping up everywhere!

Actually Natalie from The Adventures of Paul & Natalie is hosting a giveaway of one of these lovely aprons so go check out her blog and enter the giveaway! You won’t be sorry ;)

Have a great rest of the week! Remember, I’m not blogging as much this week due to crazy busyness and wanting to have some time to do some actual hands on crafts!! Whoa! What a concept ;) But I’m still lurking around the blogsphere stalking, ahem, I mean following my favorite blogs and answering comments.

Thank you Flirty Aprons :D


Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Ginny from Mom of 2 Dancers!!! You've won the contest!

I had so much fun hosting this giveaway and don't forget to check out the wonderful host of this giveaway: Bouquet Beanies! She has some amazing stuff-I want it all! :D

Also this weekend I neglected my blogging a bit and I think I am going to be blogging a bit less the next few weeks. I am still going to be here but not as much. Hopefully I'll be back in full force soon!

I had some fun time this weekend actually doing real crafts! I mean hands on, tangible, non-digital crafts! It was so nice! I havn't done a non digital project in a long time and hope to do some more over the next few weeks!

Here's the project I did this weekend! It turned out amazing!!

I got a kit from Gallery J crafts for wooden letters that spell HOME. I loved decorating them! Our living room is black and red. I want to go to Michaels and get just plain letters and make more of these :D

This was the original!

Annnd..the outcome!

My favorite letters were H and M:
Of course when I took a picture, all the little flaws *unnoticable* become apparent ;)

Well I hope you all had a great weekend! And head into a great new week!


Blog Tutorials & Freebies?

Hey Everybody!! Since the launch of my new blog look, I have been receiving a TON of emails on how I did some of the stuff. Such as how I made the links under my header, how I made my Button, how I added a custom font to my post headers and side bar headers, how to make a 3 column blog, ect.

While most of this stuff I got off other blogs and websites as tutorials..I often forget where I found those..*woops!*. And added some of my own tweaks to some of those tutorials. So I'm thinking of doing a series on DIY Blog Design as well as maybe some free backgrounds, buttons, headers and some other free goodies.
But I wanna hear what ya'll want!

*So what would you like to see?*

What are you dyeing to learn how to do when it comes to blog designing!? And it doesn't just have to be something you see on my own blog. I love playing around with HTML and will try to figure out how to do it ;)

Also what freebies do you all love to find?

Let me know! I'm itching to start playing around. I love designing my blog almost as much as actually writing in my blog ;) hehe...almost!


This weekend, Valentine's weekend my Hubby and I got to do something ULTRA romantic! We got to meet my Mom and her boyfriend in Las Vegas!! hehehe..okay so maybe not ultra romantic but we had a blast!! B

Neither of us have been to Vegas before and wow...was it fun! But it was also really sad to see all of the stuff that goes on in Las who knew that Prositution is LEGAL in Nevada!!!! What?!? I had no idea and I want to march to Nevada and get them to change that law! But...that's for another post...

Anyway we had such a blast and I thought I would share with you some of the fun we had ♥
It was a GREAT weekend gettin to see my Mommy and her boyfriend who we havn't got to see in about 2 months and won't get to see again for a another few months. That's what happens when you move away :(

But anway we had so much fun! Enjoy the pictures!

We stayed at the Excalibur Hotel. It was such a neat hotel to stay in!!

We got to walk around the strip at night and see all the awsome hotels all lit up!
Look! We are in Paris!!
The light show was sooo pretty! I love this picture with the water in front of Paris!

We got to get our Caricature done!! I have always wanted to get one of these done and my Mommy was so sweet and got this for us!! ♥
We got to do to a deliciouse seafood buffet! I think we each ate our weight in crab!!! Mmmm!!

A highlight of the fabluous weekend was we got to see David Copperfield LIVE!!!!!!!!!!
My Hubby has always loved magic tricks and David Copperfield and it was sooo much fun to see David Copperfield! We were really close to the stage and it.was.awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We didn't do very much gambeling. But we played the slot machines for the first time!!! It was so much fun! I love all the little games! Hehe LobsterMania was my favorite!! If you get three of the lobsters you get to go on this little fishing trip and win a ton! It was so much fun!
Jason loved the fishing game!!

My Beautiful Mommy and I ♥

And here is our caricature!! I see Jason in it more than I see myself..
But it was really fnu getting this done! And I can't wait to frame it and put it up in our house!

So that was our fun weekend! I hope you all had a nice fun long weekend!!

And don't forget to enter my Giveaway that ends TONIGHT {Feb. 19} at Midnight!!! Enter HERE before it's too late!

Friday Follow

It's Friday! And that means it's time for FRIDAY FOLLOW!!

Friday FollowI loev Friday follow because it is such a great time to discover new blogs! I have found sooo many amazing blogs that I probobly never would have discovered! {Oh and you get new followers ;)}

So if you want to participate, it's easy!

Go HERE, HERE, or HERE to get in on the fun!! They are all doing the same thing so you just enter your name ONCE into their database.

And don't forget, I have a giveaway going on that ends TONIGHT!!! So head over HERE to get the scoop!

YOU could win one of these fabulous {CUSTOM} sets!!!!

And Happy Friday ♥


Thankful Thursday #13

Welcome to Thankful Thursday, this is a bit late since Thursday only has another hour or so left in it ;). But I'm not totally late yet.

This past week month has been crazy busy!! I haven’t been able to much of anything. The hubby and I were lucky enough to get to go visit my wonderful Mommy and her boyfriend in Las Vegas this past week and we had a ton of fun but it put us a little behind schedule this week!

You see, Friday nights are our ONE night we don't do anything!! And I mean anything!! We usually slip into our PJ's around 5:00 p.m. and veg all night! It's wonderful! Then it's up Saturday morning and the homework and bills and everything begin!! However we did not have time like we normally do to try and jump ahead of the week. So we began the week a bit behind and have been struggling to stay above water ever since.

Needless to say we are ready for this weekend!! While we will be busy at least we will be home with each other which is my favorite ♥ No matter how busy we are, I would waaay rather be home with my honey busy, then without him and not busy!

So after ranting this is what I am thankful for this week.

♥I am thankful for my amazing hubby who always knows how to cheer me up! It seems like whenever I'm down about something he's always cheerful and ready to help cheer me up and vice versa! It's so great to have someone to lean on like that.

♥I am thankful for having got to see my Mommy and her boyfriend Pliny this weekend! We had the opportunity to go visit them in Las Vegas this weekend! We had so much fun, got to visit with them, go see David Copperfield live, and get our caricature painted! It was a great weekend and an awesome time to get to see them. It may be a few months before we get to see them again and it was so nice just to visit!!

♥I am thankful for the Church that God has placed us at. It was a total accident that we found the church that we attend now and know that it was God leading us there. We have been able to step out into some more roles in our church this semester and are very thankful for it. We are looking forward to having even more time come this summer to serve. Thank you Lord for where you have placed us.

Well I have a TON more that I am thankful for but my Hubby just finished his homework and is now ready for bed (finally!!). So goodnight for now. I pray that you all have a fantastic hopefully relaxing weekend. We have been spoiled with some amazingly warm weather this week but alas that is coming to an end. Rain by tomorrow night :(

But I do want to hear what you are all thankful about this week! So often we get bogged down with the day to day things that we forget to rejoice in the things that God has done for us! What are you rejoicing in this week? I would love to Praise God with you!

New Button!

Hey Everybody! Guess what?

I finally made a button!! I am so excited and have been wanting to do this forever!!! But for some reason I thought this would be a much bigger task that it actually was!

My Hubby was on the phone last night so I jumped on photoshop for a few minutes and wipped it up real quick ;) And I love how it turned out!! (I'm verry modest ;) hehehe)

So anway I would love for you to spread the word about my blog and steal take my button back to your page.

It's super easy to do! Just copy the HTML in the little box under my button. Go to your blog and go to Layout then Add a Gadget and add HTML. Then simple paste the code in and theres my blog :D

Let me know if you have any difficulties with it. And let me know if you use my button so I can go see it :D

Intentionally Living

And don't forget to check out the giveaway I have going on until Friday Feb. 19th at midnight (TOMORROW NIGHT!!). Enter the giveaway HERE to win an adorable beanie with assortied flowers!


Avocado Breakfast Burrito

This is my hubby's favorite breakfast that I make for him. I havn't had it yet but it sure looks Yuuummmy!!
And not only us it yummy it's healthy for you!!

My Husband loves food (Who doesn't!?!) and so when trying to eat healthier it's important that I find food that he really like or eating healthy will be just miserable! I'm so glad I stumbled across making this!

Enjoy :D


1 whole wheat Tortilla
2 slices of deli Turkey meat (Fat-Free)
2 eggs
1/2 an avocado
2-4 tablespoons of shredded low-fat Mozzarella cheese. (If your going for ultra healthy then only use 2 tablespoons).

1. In a non-stick frying pan, scramble the two eggs.
2. Take the tortilla and lay it down flat on a plate. Then sprinkle half of the cheese on the tortilla.
3. Place the two turkey slices on top of the cheese, spread the avocado on the turkey meat.
4. Then add them on top of the avecado. Then sprinkle the rest of the cheese on.
5. Nuke the burrito for about 30-60 seconds and then wrap it into a burrieto and enjoy :D

**If you are making this the night before like I do, then let the eggs cool before adding them to the burrieto. then nuke the whole thing in the morning.**

*Adapted from The Abs Diet

Let me know how this recipe turns out if you try it and any other fun additions you think to add to it. My hubby always loves trying new things. Hope you love this recipe as much as we do :D

Don't forget to enter my Beanie Giveaway found HERE. The giveaway ends on 2/19 at 11:59pm PST! Good luck!


My 1st Giveaway!!

*This giveaway is now closed*
I am so excited!!
This is my first giveaway and I couldn't be more excited to share this seller and item with you!

Check out this super cute hat and the flowers!! I ordered 6 of these flowers a few months ago and I ♥ them! I get compliments on them ALL the time!

So I contacted Shauna from Bouquet Beanies and asked her if she wanted to do a giveaway and she was as excited as I was!

So she is offering one of her Custom Beanie sets worth $22 :D This set includes a hat and 6 or 7 flowers depending on which flower (or butterfly or Teddy bear) you select. The hats come in different colors and 4 different sizes. And the flowers come in a million colors!!

YOU pick what you want if you win!! This is a great giveaway for you (I LOVE wearing a beanie with a super cute flower on it!) or for your teen daughter, or your baby girl. This is a great gift for anyone!

Okay here's how to win! Leave me a comment each time you do one of these. Make sure to leave a seperate comment for each one of these you do and don't forget to leave your email with each one.

Mandatory Entry: {You must do this one first in order to be eligible for the Giveaway}
Go Check out Shauna's Etsy shop HERE. Look around and let me know what your favorite item is.(1 entry)

Extra Entries:
Follow Shauna's Esty Shop (Heart it). (1 entry)
Follow Shauna's Facebook group found HERE. (1 Entry)
Buy an item from Shauna's Shop. (5 Entries)

Follow my Blog (1 Entry)
Follow me on Twitter {Leave your Twitter ID} (1 Entry)
Blog about this giveaway in a post (don't forget to leave me a link to that post). (2 Entries)
Follow me via Email. (1 Entry)

This Giveaway will end at 11:59 PST on February 19, 2010.
Open to visitors worldwide. Winners will be chosen using a random number generator. Winners will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to respond before I choose a new winner.
Please note that Shauna custom makes each and every item she sells. So please expect 10-14 days until your unique custom hat is done! 

 Good luck!! And here are a few pictures of the flowers. I love them!!

Make note that this is NOT her hat. I had only ordered the flowers so the hat you recieve will be much cuter :D

My Daybook # 12

It's Monday and that means it's time for The Simple Woman's Daybook! If you want to share your day and do you own Daybook then head over HERE to get the scoop!

FOR TODAY... from Jami's Daybook...February 15, 2010

Outside my window...Oh it's nice and warm and sunny!! I wish I was out there right now!

I am thinking...About online ministries. Mentoring. Mentoring in the church.

I am thankful for... Getting to see my Mom this weekend. We had a blast bonding, laughing, seeing David Copperfield! Wooho! It was so much fun.

I am wearing...White Flats, with Black leggings, white and black stripped dress with a black jacket.

I am try and get up early everyone day from now on like I did this morning....we'll!

I am currently reading...Numbers (The Bible book), The Excellent Wife, and Desiring God, plus many manny textbooks!! lol
I am hoping...that my Hubby has a great time at The Shepard's Conference coming up soon!!

On my mind...Isn't this the same as "I am thinking" hehe. Mentoring's place within the church.

Noticing that...I didn't pack enough for lunch today!

From the kitchen...Hm...Maybe Meatball Subs tonight! Sounds yummy to me! :D

Around the house...Well we just got home last night from a weekend our suitcases are scattered around our bedroom floor. Things to put away! haha
One of my favorite things..Meeting great new bloggers :D

From my picture journal...
We got our Caricature done! I have ALWAYS wanted to do this! And we finally did. My Mommy got it for us. Thank you :D
I'll post the actual picture later. This is us getting it done!

Photoshop Tutorials!

Are you a photoshop beginner? Then these tutorials are for you!! If your an expert? Then you should be writing tutorials for me? Hehe.

This past weekend I found a few precious moments to play with some photo editing and thought I would share it all with you!

Now I have an ANCIENT photoshop edition. Photoshop elements 3.0 to be exact! I know, I know..but hopefully I'll be upgrading sometime soon ;). But in my experience this tutorial should work for any version you have. You might need to adjust a few things but it should still put you on the right path. So let's just in!!

Want to learn how to fix colors issues in photos then click HERE.

Want to learn how to "Feathere" your photo? Make a nifty border? Then click HERE.

Want to learn how to focus on one color only? Then click HERE.

Want to learn how to add some nifty effects to your photos? Then click HERE.

Want to learn how to add motion to your photos? Then click HERE.

I had fun playing around with photoshop and I am by no means an expcert!! I just playing around and thought I would share the fun I had.

If you have any fun things to add to this or other photoshop tutorials then please let me know! Also if you know that the other versions vary greatly than what Photoshop Elements 3.0 does then please let me know.

Good luck and happy photo editing! If you use this tutorial leave a comment and let me know how it goes! If you put any on your blog leave the link so I can go look :D

Happy blogging and photo editing!


Happy Valentine's Day

Wow this has beeen a very busy week! I'm sorry for not posting more and hopeing that next week I'll get back on the wagon lol.

I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to tell those around you that you love them!! I know Vday is alllll about couple's but it doesn't have to be!! Tell your parents, best friends, and siblings that you love them!!

Vday is a day about love!! So show all those in your life who you love, that you really do love them!!

I'm sitting here in a hotel in Las Vegas writing to you all. The Hubby and I are visiting my Mommy and her boyfriend. We havn't seen them in almost 2 months. So it's a fun time to reconncect and bond. We are having a blast and I hope that you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.


Healthy Burger!

Healthy Hamburgers*
This is my favorite meal that I have tried recently. And I don't even normally like hanmburgers! But there is something about this one that is fantastic!!! And it's healthy for you and not only that you can eat it while your on a diet! How awsome is that?!?
Okay here you go:

1 egg
1 pound lean ground beef
1/2 cup plain oats (not the one's in individual packets..those contain too much sugar)
1/3 cup diced onion
1/2 cup chopped spinach
2 tablespoons reduced-fat shredded Mexican blend cheese
    salt and pepper
4 High Fiber English muffins (Find the healthiest ones. I really like Thomas)

1)In a large bowl whisk the egg.

2)Add all the other ingredients and mix together. Using you hands work best. Do this until well blended together.

3) Seperate into four servings. And flatten into patties.

4)Place the patties into a nonstick skiller over Medium-high heat.
5)Cook 5-7 minutes on each side or until brown.

6) Serve on an english muffin and add as much raw vegtables as you want. My husband loves having a little mustard on the bread, avecado, and tomato.
Serves 4

These "healthy hamburgers" are one of my favorite meals!!! I am not a big hamburger lover but I love these! They are so good!! Try these, you won't be disappointed.

We each eat of these for dinner and I put the other two in the fridge for leftovers another night. Or you can freeze them and eat whenever you need a fast meal!

Let me know what you think.
And if you try this and add anything else, let me know! I love changing up my recipes! ;)

*Adapted from The Abs Diet.