

Avocado Breakfast Burrito

This is my hubby's favorite breakfast that I make for him. I havn't had it yet but it sure looks Yuuummmy!!
And not only us it yummy it's healthy for you!!

My Husband loves food (Who doesn't!?!) and so when trying to eat healthier it's important that I find food that he really like or eating healthy will be just miserable! I'm so glad I stumbled across making this!

Enjoy :D


1 whole wheat Tortilla
2 slices of deli Turkey meat (Fat-Free)
2 eggs
1/2 an avocado
2-4 tablespoons of shredded low-fat Mozzarella cheese. (If your going for ultra healthy then only use 2 tablespoons).

1. In a non-stick frying pan, scramble the two eggs.
2. Take the tortilla and lay it down flat on a plate. Then sprinkle half of the cheese on the tortilla.
3. Place the two turkey slices on top of the cheese, spread the avocado on the turkey meat.
4. Then add them on top of the avecado. Then sprinkle the rest of the cheese on.
5. Nuke the burrito for about 30-60 seconds and then wrap it into a burrieto and enjoy :D

**If you are making this the night before like I do, then let the eggs cool before adding them to the burrieto. then nuke the whole thing in the morning.**

*Adapted from The Abs Diet

Let me know how this recipe turns out if you try it and any other fun additions you think to add to it. My hubby always loves trying new things. Hope you love this recipe as much as we do :D

Don't forget to enter my Beanie Giveaway found HERE. The giveaway ends on 2/19 at 11:59pm PST! Good luck!


  1. Yum! Looks delicious and healthy! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yum! We love breakfast burritos too!

  3. Guess what I'm making myself for breakfast? Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Hey Jami, sounds like a great recipe! What a good wife you are:) Have a great day!

  5. I love avacados! this sounds yummy!


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