

Thankful Thursday #13

Welcome to Thankful Thursday, this is a bit late since Thursday only has another hour or so left in it ;). But I'm not totally late yet.

This past week month has been crazy busy!! I haven’t been able to much of anything. The hubby and I were lucky enough to get to go visit my wonderful Mommy and her boyfriend in Las Vegas this past week and we had a ton of fun but it put us a little behind schedule this week!

You see, Friday nights are our ONE night we don't do anything!! And I mean anything!! We usually slip into our PJ's around 5:00 p.m. and veg all night! It's wonderful! Then it's up Saturday morning and the homework and bills and everything begin!! However we did not have time like we normally do to try and jump ahead of the week. So we began the week a bit behind and have been struggling to stay above water ever since.

Needless to say we are ready for this weekend!! While we will be busy at least we will be home with each other which is my favorite ♥ No matter how busy we are, I would waaay rather be home with my honey busy, then without him and not busy!

So after ranting this is what I am thankful for this week.

♥I am thankful for my amazing hubby who always knows how to cheer me up! It seems like whenever I'm down about something he's always cheerful and ready to help cheer me up and vice versa! It's so great to have someone to lean on like that.

♥I am thankful for having got to see my Mommy and her boyfriend Pliny this weekend! We had the opportunity to go visit them in Las Vegas this weekend! We had so much fun, got to visit with them, go see David Copperfield live, and get our caricature painted! It was a great weekend and an awesome time to get to see them. It may be a few months before we get to see them again and it was so nice just to visit!!

♥I am thankful for the Church that God has placed us at. It was a total accident that we found the church that we attend now and know that it was God leading us there. We have been able to step out into some more roles in our church this semester and are very thankful for it. We are looking forward to having even more time come this summer to serve. Thank you Lord for where you have placed us.

Well I have a TON more that I am thankful for but my Hubby just finished his homework and is now ready for bed (finally!!). So goodnight for now. I pray that you all have a fantastic hopefully relaxing weekend. We have been spoiled with some amazingly warm weather this week but alas that is coming to an end. Rain by tomorrow night :(

But I do want to hear what you are all thankful about this week! So often we get bogged down with the day to day things that we forget to rejoice in the things that God has done for us! What are you rejoicing in this week? I would love to Praise God with you!


  1. I am thankful for my husband, who is my best friend. I am thankful for my son, who is the perfect mix of the two of us. I am thankful for my daughter, who is a gift of love. I am thankful for my church. I am thankful for my friends. And, I am thankful for coffee!

  2. That's amazing! Isn't great that we have so many things to be thankful for!! I need to always remember this when I'm feeling down!

    and I totally agree, I am sooo thankful for coffee!!! I don't know how I would start off mornings like this without coffee ;)

    Praise the Lord for all the amazing things going on in your life! I hope you have a fantastic weekend with your family!



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