

Happy Valentine's Day

Wow this has beeen a very busy week! I'm sorry for not posting more and hopeing that next week I'll get back on the wagon lol.

I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to tell those around you that you love them!! I know Vday is alllll about couple's but it doesn't have to be!! Tell your parents, best friends, and siblings that you love them!!

Vday is a day about love!! So show all those in your life who you love, that you really do love them!!

I'm sitting here in a hotel in Las Vegas writing to you all. The Hubby and I are visiting my Mommy and her boyfriend. We havn't seen them in almost 2 months. So it's a fun time to reconncect and bond. We are having a blast and I hope that you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well! Have a safe visit and have fun!

  2. Thank you! Have a great Valentine's day!

  3. Hope you have a great visit and a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  4. Happy Valentine's Day!! Have lots of fun in Vegas! :)


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