

New Award & Friday Follow

I recieved my first award!!!! I am so excited!

I got the "One Lovely Blog Award" from Natalie over at The Adventures of Paul & Natalie!
Thank you so much Natalie for thinking of me with this award :D

So now the Rules:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Who I picked:

Also today is Friday Follow!!
So if you are new here look around a bit and let me know you were here!! I have an "About Me" tab up there you could check out!
If you want to participate, head over HERE to check out all the details!

Friday Follow
Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
*So it seems that the followers widget is not working very well right now! So if you want to follow me, simply go up to the toolbar and click follow (It's the button on the far right). Thanks and have a great friday!*


  1. Following you from Friday Follow. I would love for you to follow me too. Have a wonderful weekend!

    woo hoo CONGRATS! Beautiful Award.

  2. Congrats on the award! New Friday Follower. Hope you have a great weekend!


  3. I'm a follower! Thanks for accepting the award! I love your fun, bright blog! Have a wonderful weekend! :D

  4. Thank you so much, Jami! I also love your blog, and am so happy for you that it is so successful! I pray that God will use it greatly!
    (I'll be posting the award soon!)
    Wendy @ Faith's Firm Foundation

  5. Thank you :D I'm still tryign to figure out exactly what it is my blog will be for. Still toying around with that and praying!

    And I'm glad to be able to give the award out! I love calling attention to bloggers I love and am happy to be able to share them!

  6. Thank you Natalie :D Have a great weekend as well!!

  7. Thanks :D And I'm following you back now!

  8. Thank you!! it's my first award, I'm excited!! And I'm following you back now! :D

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Woo Hoo! Congrats on your award!

    Thanks for thinking of me!

  10. Thanks dear bloggger friend, Jami :) I am honored to get this award from you!!! Have a blessed weekend... what's on your agenda??
    p.s. have you gotten positive feedback on using DISQUS for comments rather than blogger? I was thinking about switching... but wasn't too sure?!

  11. Wow Jami thank you so much, how you have blessed me today!

  12. Happy Friday Follow.
    Congrats on your award.

    504 Main

  13. Ooooh thank you so much, I love it :)

  14. Well this weekend is pretty much homework, homework, homework! lol. It's midterm time so that means lots of studying and papers!! Annd my Hubby is leaving my for 3 days to go to a conferece this week :( (I'm excited he's going but sad he's leaving me haha). So I got lots of laundry and stuff to do in preperation. Aah but tonight, we relax! We don't have much to do tonight other than plop down on the couch and vegg!

    Your weekend sounds like lots of fun! Have fun with your nieces!

    And yes, I love using Disqus!! I had a ton of my friends and family who don't have blogs and thought that they couldn't comment through the regular commenting system. but with DISQUS they can comment through their facebook accounts and all that. And it looks so much cuter ;) I'm really happy with it and havn' had a whole lot of problems. It's really easy to manage too. I love that it has a spot to put your email and website so I can always go look up someone's info. It's very handy!

    Have a great weekend Ri!!

  15. Yay!! Thank you so much!! You made my evening!! I love reading your blog too!!! :)

  16. Why thank you!
    Sorry it has taken me so long to get around to saying thank you, but I actually haven't been on the computer much since Friday! I've had sooo much to do!
    But thank you! & I love reading your blog as well. It's always a blessing!

  17. Greetings, Jami!

    How wonderful to "meet" you! You are absolutely so sweet and beautiful! You are positively GLOWING, girl! I love your is so pretty.

    Thank you so much for this award! I am so glad to know that you are encouraged by my blog. I look forward to getting to know you more....

    Blessings, new friend. Oh, I LOVE the apron! Too cute! :)

  18. mommiesgotfivechildrenMarch 1, 2010 at 7:28 PM

    Thanks for stopping by my blog tonight and leaving such a kind comment.
    I am glad you won this award too.
    Your pictures are so sweet.
    I must be getting old, you two look so young to be married.
    Anyway I am so glad I found your blog a couple of weeks ago.
    I am giving you another award tonight.
    Please stop by my blog.
    God Bless you.

    @Buttons and Bows

  19. Thank you so very much for passing on the award to my blog. It's very kind of you. I'm very glad that you find the scrapbooking kits useful. Ashley from Dreamsfulfilled


Thanks for visiting my blog! If this is your first time here then let me know! I love comments and I always love hearing from my readers. If you would like to contact me via email my email is jamibalmet(at)hotmail(.)com.