

My Daybook # 12

It's Monday and that means it's time for The Simple Woman's Daybook! If you want to share your day and do you own Daybook then head over HERE to get the scoop!

FOR TODAY... from Jami's Daybook...February 15, 2010

Outside my window...Oh it's nice and warm and sunny!! I wish I was out there right now!

I am thinking...About online ministries. Mentoring. Mentoring in the church.

I am thankful for... Getting to see my Mom this weekend. We had a blast bonding, laughing, seeing David Copperfield! Wooho! It was so much fun.

I am wearing...White Flats, with Black leggings, white and black stripped dress with a black jacket.

I am try and get up early everyone day from now on like I did this morning....we'll!

I am currently reading...Numbers (The Bible book), The Excellent Wife, and Desiring God, plus many manny textbooks!! lol
I am hoping...that my Hubby has a great time at The Shepard's Conference coming up soon!!

On my mind...Isn't this the same as "I am thinking" hehe. Mentoring's place within the church.

Noticing that...I didn't pack enough for lunch today!

From the kitchen...Hm...Maybe Meatball Subs tonight! Sounds yummy to me! :D

Around the house...Well we just got home last night from a weekend our suitcases are scattered around our bedroom floor. Things to put away! haha
One of my favorite things..Meeting great new bloggers :D

From my picture journal...
We got our Caricature done! I have ALWAYS wanted to do this! And we finally did. My Mommy got it for us. Thank you :D
I'll post the actual picture later. This is us getting it done!


  1. Cute! I like this idea... and I love carictures too :) Post a picture soon!

  2. Thanks! Yeah I will just as soon as I can find a few minutes to scan it ;)

    Thanks for visting my blog!

  3. Hi Jami-
    Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving a comment. I couldn't get into the Circle Trilogy, but I really have enjoyed everything else Ted Dekker has written. I love your enthusiasm shown on your posts for your role as a wife~keep it up!
    Take care-


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