

Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Ginny from Mom of 2 Dancers!!! You've won the contest!

I had so much fun hosting this giveaway and don't forget to check out the wonderful host of this giveaway: Bouquet Beanies! She has some amazing stuff-I want it all! :D

Also this weekend I neglected my blogging a bit and I think I am going to be blogging a bit less the next few weeks. I am still going to be here but not as much. Hopefully I'll be back in full force soon!

I had some fun time this weekend actually doing real crafts! I mean hands on, tangible, non-digital crafts! It was so nice! I havn't done a non digital project in a long time and hope to do some more over the next few weeks!

Here's the project I did this weekend! It turned out amazing!!

I got a kit from Gallery J crafts for wooden letters that spell HOME. I loved decorating them! Our living room is black and red. I want to go to Michaels and get just plain letters and make more of these :D

This was the original!

Annnd..the outcome!

My favorite letters were H and M:
Of course when I took a picture, all the little flaws *unnoticable* become apparent ;)

Well I hope you all had a great weekend! And head into a great new week!


  1. I love what you did with the HOME letters. So creative of you!

  2. Thanks :D I had so much fun making them! I want to make them for everyone in my family now! Whether they want them or not ;) hehe!

  3. Wow! Those look AWESOME!! You are VERY talented!!!! I wish I had even 1/2 of your creativity!!!

  4. Great job, Jami! Now to get them hung...that's the hardest part at our house, lol. :-)

  5. Haha yeah I know! But I leave that to my Hubby to deal with ;)

  6. Aaw thank you :D
    That's so sweet! I always see all these creative people all over the blogsphere and wish I could even pretend I was creative as them! So thanks for thinking I'm creative ;) Hehe


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