She started a new meme this week called Mondays are G.R.E.A.T.! (Glad Rejoicing Encouraged and Thankful). Our assignment each week is to ponder where God has sent us a little encouragement.
We have so much to be thankful for each and every day! Let's celebrate that with glad rejoicing encouraged thankfulness!
I have so much to be thankful for this week!
- In three days {On Saturday May 7} I will be graduating with a double bachelor's degree in History and Biblical Studies.
- By God's grace I was able to finish my bachelor's degree in just three years!!
- My family is coming down this weekend to celebrate with us {They live about 8 hours away}
- On Monday May 9, my hubby and I are going on a week vacation! He will have some meetings during the week but I am free to relax for a whole week :)
- I have a new website in development that I can't wait to share with you all
But despite all the things I do have to be thankful for and a loving and adoring husband, I am feeling so tired this week. While I am graduating in just a few short days {Praise the Lord!} I am also in the thick of papers and tests.
I have had little sleep running on two weeks now and I have a cold. And yet I need to be joyful. God has given us so much and has been so gracious.
I am currently reading Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. I am only a few chapters in but each page has been so convicting so far.
Just last night I read a chapter on Thanksgiving. Debi wrote, "Joy begins with Thankfulness" (Page 37).
God calls us to be joyful in all things. We may not be happy but we are joyful that the Lord is sovereign. But at times it can be very difficult to find joy and get to the place of joyfulness.
Debi explained, "Thankfulness is how you think, joy is the abundance it produces" (37).
Wow. So if you are struggling with how to find joy right now {as most of us struggle with at some point} then I encourage you to put on a thankful attitude. Even if you are having a hard time to come to the place of thanksgiving then just start thanking God for small things and soon you will be cultivating a heart of thanksgiving. If you find yourself tired, worn out, or sad then be thankful!
I really took this chapter to heart last night. I wrote it out on a sticky note and out it on my mirror so I wouldn't forget to seek joy the next day. So this morning as I stumbled into the shower after a long busy night of paper writing, I opened my eyes long enough to see this beautiful reminder I had written to myself. And because of that intentional act on my part {And the Holy Spirit's conviction}, I began my day in thanksgiving for everything God has given me. And as I drove to work my thankfulness continued. And while I sit here typing away I have a stuffed up nose and my eyes so desperately want to close. Yet, I have work to be done and another paper to write. But today, I am thankful and will allow my thanksgiving to transform my heart to joyful praise!
Psalm 100
His Steadfast Love Endures Forever
A Psalm for giving thanks.
Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth!
Serve the LORD with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!
Know that the LORD, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
For the LORD is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.
{English Standard Version-Emphasis Added}

ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this wonderful post, and all the wisdom it contains, and for linking up, even in your busy, busy, and "sick" week! I'm praying for you these last days before graduation (Yay!!) and with company coming. Enjoy each little minute of it, ok? It's so easy to let it become a blur (kind of like your wedding day can be:)! Take a lot of pictures so we can all enjoy it with you later on. And a big, big Congratulations to you--what a huge accomplishment, James. I'm proud of you! (Can I say that?) Well, I am.