Hubby and I celebrated our two year anniversary last week. And to celebrate we decided to take a weekend away to Pismo Beach and it was wonderful!
I also graduated from college two weeks ago so it was a double celebration.
We found an awesome deal on a hotel on the beach. It was wonderful and so relaxing!
We stayed in this funky retro room.
This was taken right outside the hotel lobby. What a beautiful day to wake up to!
On our first morning we found this adorable little coffee shop and had breakfast.
It's called The Honeymoon Cafe
Hubby thought the sign in the door was hilarious...I did too...
For dinner we found a Hometown Buffet {I LOVE buffet's}. It was their grand opening weekend to a newly redesigned store...and it was pretty awesome!!
They had different stations such as Italian and Chinease. And icee' was cool. :)
The next day we went for a walk along the beach and it was such a nice time.
And we found my favorite ice cream!!! Bubblegum! It is so hard to find this ice cream now. I used to get it all the time as a kid. :) They also had cotton candy icecream...had to try it!

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