We got back on Monday night from a great weekend! My Husband, Father-in-law, and two sisters-in-law went to a conference this weekend in Palm Springs.
The conference is called The Resolved Conference and is hosted by Grace Community Church (John MacArthur's church). It's designed for people ages 18-30ish. But people of all ages were there and it was an amazing and refreshing conference.
Many of my heroes of the faith were there:
John MacArthur
Rick Holland
Steve Lawson
Al Mohler
C.J. Mahaney
The weekend was so wonderful and so convicting in many many ways!!
This got me to thinking how many books I still want to read like the complete works of Johnathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, and soo many more. It convicted me that so often I waste so much time reading fiction. Now there is nothing wrong with fiction but there are so many edifying and wonderful books to read that I have been feeling convicted to really focus more time on those.
So I have decided to come up with a master list of books to read before I die. I'm sure I will be posting this list soon. But in the meantime do you have any suggestions of great books to read? What are your favorite Christian books classic or modern that you love?
This has also strengthened my resolve to start memorizing scripture more! Read my post HERE about that conviction. And I also mentioned in that post having you all join me! I've been lugging on this for a while and decided I need to just start!
So come back tomorrow (July 1st) for the launch of my two month scripture memorizing plan! I'll have buttons of the scripture each week to help you remember and spread the word.
Don't forget to stop back by tomorrow :)
Here is one picture from this weekend. The only one I have!! Haha I forgot to get the pictures from my sisters. Woops! So for now here is us three sisters at the conference waiting to hear Rick Holland.
*Update: Unforunitly a few things have come up and I've been sick/busy. So the start of the Scripture Memorizing will be delayed a bit. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for the launch.
Also stay tuned for the launch of our new Etsy shop :) I know I keep talking about it but it really is coming soon :)

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