So I love the look and everything of Disqus but it just hasn't been working on my blog :(
It will work fine for a while and then for like two days I won't get any updates that I have comments. And lately a LOT of people have been having trouble commenting which is no good!
Also I think people forget or don't know to put their blog address in the form since it always said "optional". So I coulnd't get to my commenters blogs half the time :( Again...NO GOOD!
I am hoping that all of my old comments will still be here! They should be!!
And it could take up to 48 hours to finally change back to the default commenting system.
I loved Disqus but it just wans't working! If your reading this then let me know if you can leave a comment :) Hopefully this will all be resolved shortly!!
Thanks for reading :)
*Update! My commenting form has disappeared alltogether...disliking Disqus more and more. Hopefully Disqus will resolve this soon.... Please email me if you want to contact me :) jamibalmet(at)hotmail(.)com*
*Update! My commenting form has disappeared alltogether...disliking Disqus more and more. Hopefully Disqus will resolve this soon.... Please email me if you want to contact me :) jamibalmet(at)hotmail(.)com*

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