
Favorite Headbands?

I am so excited! I am thinking of opening my own Esty shop.

Will you please take my poll so I can get a better idea of what you all want? I am hoping to launch my Etsy/Artfire store in the next few months and would love your input!!

There are two quizes below! Make sure to stop by both if you have a minute!

For the first one please click on the View Survey link below and a new window will pop up then proceed to the picture quiz below.

View Survey

Here is the second quiz. Don't forget the link above! Thanks

{Click on the photo to make bigger and see photo credit}
Thanks for your help!!


  1. Super cute!! voted hope it helps you!

  2. Thanks Nicki! It really does!

    Thanks for taking a few minutes to help me :)

  3. Fun! I love headbands. I'm excited to see what you come up with : )

  4. That sounds like a great idea! Keep us updated on how things work out! :)

  5. Oh my groovyness! LOVE that quiz thing! Can you send me the site? You know I have to ask you lots of questions and copy what you do b/c you're just so savvy about these things (and I'm so not) :-) I'll have to e-mail you and tell you about something new I'm thinking of starting (another site) and see if you have any suggestions for it (as in free applications that you can post for people to fill out and then others to view). Come to think of it, do you just want to meet on Facebook chat? I'm free tonight after 10 I think (so 7 your time). If that doesn't work for you, just send me some good times for you and we'll pick one. K, talk to ya later, ~Kristin

  6. Such cute headbands! I'm so excited you're starting your own etsy shop.

  7. Yay I was finally able to post. I've been trying to for so long and for some reason it hasn't let me. Love your blog.

  8. Aaw thank you :D That means so much to me! I'm sorry it wasn't letting you post :( I'm thinking of getting rid of my comment system and just go back to the regular blogger one...haha


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