

Friday Follow!

Friday FollowWow! I have been so busy the past few weeks that I havn't been able to do Friday Follow! But I'm back today and ready to meet new friends!

I do not want this to sound rude...but please only follow me if you actually like my blog! I know..crazy!! ;) lol. I know that getting followers if great {And I love that! Dont'get me wrong} but I really want to meet some great new friends today! So take a minute...check out my blog and if you like what you see then please feel free to follow me and I'll follow you back! ;)

So Hi :) I'm Jami. Nice to meet you! Take a minute and get to know me!

A Few places to get to know me:
Check out my About Me page HERE 
Check out my 2010 Word of the Year HERE
Check out our Wedding Photos HERE

I can't wait to meet some great new friends today! And I havn't been posting as much the past two weeks {Find out why HERE} but I will be back into the full swing of things soon! And I've got some great giveaways lineing up for summer ;)

Nice to meet you, Happy Blogging and Happy Friday! :D

{Want to participate in Friday Follow? Then head over HERE to get the scoop and link up!}


Are you a Woman Inspired?!

Have you ever heard of A Woman Inspired? It's an amazing online ministry for woman!

Their tag line is "A Woman Inspired: A Place for Women Who Desire to be Used by him"
This online woman's ministry hosts online conferences for only $12.95. You have access to chats and even MP3 downloads of all the sessions so you can listen to them over and over again. 

And no, I am not being paid to write this ;) This is just how excited I am to promote this amazing ministry!! Check out A Woman Inspired HERE

I have not done any of the conferences yet but I am excited to check it out! The next conference is May 10-12th  and is called the "one" Marriage Conference and I couldn't be more excited to attend!!  Head over HERE to check out more about this conference that is so affordable and is manageable on everyone's time schedule! 

I am excited to participate in the One Marriage conference but I don't have to wait until then to do one of their conferences. They have MP3's of the past few conference's for sale for only $9.95! I just bought the last Efficient and Creative Life conference and I am so excited to start listening to the sessions. Topics that will be covered include learning how to develop your God given talents and gifts, push past creative blocks, further your education in the area of your choice (at no cost), be more productive and more!

I am sure that you guys will hear a lot more about this conference as I start listening to the sessions, reading the old chat logs, and reading the handouts that go with each session.

I am so excited for the One Marriage Conference in May! You can still sign up too! Join us in the fun and learn how to develop your marriage matter what stage of marriage you are at! 


Blogging Withdrawls!

Hey all my blogging friends! Oh how I have missed you!!

I have been a bit MIA the past week. I've been lurking a bit commenting on a few of you. And if I haven't been commenting on your blog as usual I'm sorry :( I do miss all of your blogs and I dearly miss posting!!

My hubby and I have some exciting things coming up this next month but we are also oh so busy!!

What's up for us:
1. My wonderful Hubby got a promotion and is starting his new exciting job/career on May 3rd!
2. May 3rd is also the start of finals week! {Soo many papers due before then and lots of studying! Annd Hubby is taking 19 he will be busy!!}
3. My wonderful Hubby is graduating with his Bach. in Mathematics May 8th {in the top 10% of his class!!!!}
4. We are moving on May 15th to a bigger and better apartment for the same $$$ {And a much better city too!!}
5. Our 1st year Anniversary is May 17th!!
6. We are driving back home May 21st for a short weekend to see our Sister graduate from high school!

Annd then we have some things cooking in June! Soo we are very excited for all of these amazing changes and looking forward to them but the next month and a half is going to be BUSY!

We are excited to see what God has in store for us in the future and as soon as things settle down I will be back into full swing of posting for summer! So I'll be around lurking and probably occasionally posting...and I'll definitly respond to any comments and make sure to check out your blog during this hiatus.

Happy Spring!


Great New Diaper Rash Ointment!

{This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.}

Calling all Mothers! Are you the mother of a little one? Do you want to try out a great new product I just heard about?

Well then check out Boudreaux's Butt Paste. It's so hard to see your little one's suffer and cry right? Well try out this new Diaper Rash Ointment Skin Protectant. I always feel so bad when I see little one's having to go through the pain of a diaper rash and not even be able to articulate it.

Check out their website:
Boudreaux’s Butt Paste

Want to know the best part about this product? It was made by a pharmacist with the help of a pediatrician. Who better then a pharmacist and a pediatrician to make sure that your baby gets the medicine and the soothing s/he needs!

Not only do the doctors recommend it but Boudreaux's Butt Paste has been feature on shows such as
The Oprah Show
The Today Show
The Tonight Show
And more!!

This product is so convenient that you can order it online and have it shipped right to your door. It is also available in drug stores and grocery stores nationwide! This paste is unlike other pastes. It actually has a great smell that doesn't smell like traditional pastes that smell chemically. This paste will help soothe your poor crying baby so fast and won't leave a huge mess to clean up later.

I have not tried this product yet but I know that as soon as my baby has a diaper rash I will head straight to this product.

Okay and want to know the BEST part! YOU can try Boudreaux's Butt Paste for FREE Today!!!
Click HERE for how to get your FREE sample today! Don't just take Oprah's word for it...try it yourself!

Visit my sponsor: Boudreaux’s Butt Paste


Intentionally Living...A Clean House!

This is the fourth installment of my series on Intentionally Living. I am so happy that I started this series! If your new to this series over the past few weeks I have been posting about my goals to Live Intentionally.

My 2010 word of the year is Intentional. Check out my post HERE explaining just what that means in my life. This series was built off of 12 main statements that I said at the beginning of the year. All twelve things are ways that I am going to Intentionally Live this year.

This weeks post will be similar to last weeks post on cooking. You can find that post HERE.

Okay so this weeks Intentionally Living statement is:

I am going to be intentional about keeping the house clean because it causes my husband stress.

Now this isn't just one that causes my husband stress but of course also causes me stress. The more cluttered my house gets the more cluttered my mind gets. I get anxiety when dishes pile up and when clutter starts appearing. And the worst part about all of this? I'm a total pack rat!

I'm super cheap so I can't bare to throw anything out because I may one day use it again. So I keep everything!! This doesn't work when you live in a one bedroom apartment..I don't have room for everything so stuff just piles up in little piles around the corners of the apartment.

And yes I know the clutter and mess that I deal with is nothing like what you mothers have to deal with! I just pray that I learn how to work really hard on keeping the house clean before we have little ones running around messing everything up so I can better stay on top of it.

Anyway during the summer time I have no trouble keeping the house clean! I have plenty of time to do all that needs to be done! But during the school year forget about it! We both are full time students and my hubby works full time and I work nearly full time. By the time the busy work/school day is over I have to head home and work on homework for hours. The last thing I want to do it clean!! forget it! I just want to sit on the couch and zone out or sleep.

So this year I have decided to be extra Intentional about
making sure the house stays clean. My dear sweet amazing Hubby is taking 19 units (YIKES!!!) which by the way is over full time and works a full time job during the day. (He is graduating in less than a month by the way!!) So this semester I have been trying to help him in any way that I can with being less stressful. God has been amazing to us in all that he has given us and I want to create a stress free environment while at home.

So to Intentionally live out this goal I have decided the following:
1. I will not let the dishes pile up! Right after dinner they need to be washed (otherwise they will make themselves at home in that sink!!)

2. I will not let our laundry pile up until we have no clothes left! I will work on getting our laundry done every week.

3. I will organize things better in our house so that clutter does not build up! {Not to brag but I have been very good about this lately}

4. I will make sure that after I try on my tenth outfit of the morning that the clothes don't end up on the floor.

I have more than this but I can't think of any at the moment.

Who I strive to be: The Excellent Wife
She looks well to the ways of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all."
{Proverbs 31:27-29}

What do you do to keep your house clean? Got any good tricks to pass along my way?!?


1st Kindred Connection Blog Party!

Hey my friend Kristin from Windy Poplars is hosting her first ever connection blog party! Click on the button below to head over to her place and join in on the fun!

Windy PoplarsThis is a great way to meet other great bloggers just like yourself :D Check it out!

Okay the questions for this week:
If you could describe your desired lifestyle in one word, what would it be? Disciple

2. What style of home is your "House of Dreams"? Oh no..this could be a LOONG response ;) My husband and I are moving in a couple months to be closer to his new job and have been talking about houses a lot lately! And while we are only renting for now because we will probably be moving again in the next year or two we are already dreaming of our first home! I eventually want the classic home! I want property, but not too much..just enough for my kids to be able to build forts and to have a beautiful garden. I would love to have a pool with of course a huge deck for parties and fun summer days. I want a HUGE kitchen with a bar in the middle with lots and lots of cupboard space. Oh my...dreams! ;)

3. If you could live in a fictional story/movie, which would it be and why? Whew this is a hard one! Okay I got it...Narnia! How cool would it be to hang with Aslan and talk to animals?!

4. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Favorite kind? Oh while I LOVE them both I would have to say that coffee is my Fav! I can't go without it! It's so relaxing..Mmmm now I want some! ;) And I'll drink any kind of coffee!!

5. Share the last sweet/romantic thing your hubby did for you. Aaw my Hubby likes to surprise me with things all the time! He is soo good to me! Last week he surprised me with coming home with the next season of the show I'm currently watching and he knew I was dyeing to watch it!! He then proceeds to watch it with me even though the show is not his favorite. He's good to me!!! :D

Happy Blogging :D

Date Night!

{This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of 20th Century Fox. All opinions are 100% mine.}

Have you heard of the new movie coming out this week!?? Date Night starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell opens April 9, 2010 THIS Friday! My husband and I have been so excited for this movie for months now!

We love Tina Fey and Steve Carell. Two of our favorite shows right now star them, The Office and 30 Rock. Alone each of them are hilarious and I can only image what a movie starring them both will be like! The preview of this movie looks soo funny!!! Check it out below to see what I mean.

If the trailer is not appearing go HERE to view the trailer and find other fun clips of the movie.

If you can't tell from the preview this movie is about a married couple (Tina Fey and Steve Carell) decide to go out to dinner for their weekly dinner date and end up taking someone else's dinner reservation. Low and behold this was a mistake! The couple gets mistaken for another couple and the crazy night begins! The movie seems to be full of awkward yet hilarious situations these two find themselves in. I can't wait to see what the outcome of this night does to their relationship. Nothing like being held at gun point to strengthen your relationship ;)

I don't know how this movie will NOT be a huge success with these two starring in it! Don't forget that Date Night starts in theatres this Friday, April 9, 2010. I know where my hubby and I will be come Friday night :D Will you be there also?

Visit the movie here:
Date Night Movie
To read a great review of the movie head over to the New York Times HERE.

Visit my sponsor: Date Night


Chili Con Turkey *A Recipe*

Yet again, The Abs Diet has done it again!! I have yet to make a meal from The Abs Diet and not love it!!!
This weeks new recipe is called Chili Con Turkey. I was a little hesitant about this recipe because I am NOT a chili person but it turned out delicious!!! And as always, the best part is....It's super HEALTHY and low fat :D And this is a very simple and quick recipe for any night of the week.

Chili Con Turkey*

1 pound ground turkey
1 can (14 oz) Mexican style diced tomatoes
1 can (15oz) black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can (14 oz) whole-kernel sweet corn, drained
1 Package (1 1/2 oz) dried chili mix
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
1/2 cup water
1 cup cooked brown rice

(After making this we felt that the recipe was a tiny bit bland. We added some salt and pepper but next time we will add some other spices).

1. Over Medium-high heat brown the turkey in a large non-stick skillet
2.  When turkey is browned, add all the other ingredients except the rice. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes stirring occasionally.
3. While that is cooking prepare the brown rice.
4. After cooking for 10 minutes serve the chili over the rice.

Makes 4 servings.

While this was not our favorite recipe it was very good and unlike anything else I usually make. This recipe will be added to my weekly queue of recipes.

Let me know if you tried this how you like it! Also I'm always looking for ways to spice up the recipes. Let me know what you added or changed!!

Happy Cooking!

*From The Abs Diet


Spring Fashion Trends!

So this week I am participating in The Writer's Workshop hosted by Mama's Losin' It! A cute blog I just found today! I am excited to take part and hope to do this each week! It's a fun way to get your writers block UNblocked, meet new people, and have some fun along the way. Click on her button below to go to her site and join in on the fun!
Mama's Losin' It

This weeks assignment: List your top 10 “Spring Trends.

1. Fun Spring Colorful Jackets!

2. Fun Fabric Headbands!

3. Vintage Inspired Polka Dot Dresses {The pictures of these are a little the clothing..don't love their website..haha}


4. Vintage 70's Inspired Dresses

5. Vintage 50's Inspired Dresses {Are you spotting a trend yet?!? Dresses? Vintage inspried?? haha}

6. White Purses {Classic I know. But I always love bringing out a white purse this time of year!}

7. Fun Feminine Skirts

8. And of course with all these cute dresses and skirts you can't be without the cute White Cardigan

9. Cute Feminine MODEST Swinsuits {Do you ever have the HARDEST time finding cute, feminie, comfortable and modest bathing suits? I DO! All the stinking time haha}

10. Sassy White Heels

So I think I'm seeing a trend developing...white and dresses! Haha although not necesarrily together ;)

And I know my favorites may not be new or even fashionable ;) But it's what I love this season!!

This was fun! What are your favorite new Spring looks?!?

Chipmunks the Squeakquel Review

{This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Alvin and the Chipmunks. All opinions are 100% mine.}

Have you seen Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel yet? If not, go check it out today! You can get Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel for any system you have! It's available on both DVD and Blu-ray. It also comes with a great new feature, a digital download! You can get it right on your laptop or home computer!  The digital download is a great option in this day and age. More and more things are moving to downloads and I know I love being able to just hit play on my computer. It allows you to always have hundreds of movies on you without hundreds of DVD cases.
Click here to buy it now

When I was little I used to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks all the time! I couldn't get enough of it and now they are back and ready to sing ;) I can remember sitting for hours watching the Chipmunks with my brothers when we were little. Aaaw the memories :D

While I know Blu-ray is all the hype right now I still love my good old fashion DVD's. I have not converted yet Blu-ray and lucky for me! When you buy Alvin and the Chipmunks:The Spueakquel on DVD not only do you get this fantastic family friendly movie but you also get a BONUS disk packed full of extras. If you have little kids who love the Chipmunks then this double DVD pack is just right for you! The bonus disk includes "The Spueak Along" bonus sing along disk! If your little one's live to sing then this is for them! There are also more bonus features on this disk including more music and lots of extra goodies! You are getting TWO DVD's for the price of One! It doesn't get any better than that!

Do your kids love Alvin? Then head over HERE and Munk yourself!!! Soo cute :D
This film is very family friendly although I don't recommend it to really little kids. Overall this is a fun family film that all families should pick up today!! Do you have fond memories of these little chipmunks from when you were young? Then let your kids have the same memories from these fur balls! Visit this link to find more fun for the whole family!!


Happy Resurrection Day!

Happy Resurrection Day! I have been a little MIA this past week, it's been our Spring Break :D So I've been of course relaxing getting all those little things done I've been putting off. But it has been a great week non the less!!

Last Week Recap:
1. My wonderful Mom and two of my brothers came to stay with us for 4 days. We had so much fun. My mom and I went shopping and I got a ton of super cute Spring and Summer dresses!! We went to Universal Studios and had a ton of fun.

2. After my family left we had some fun getting the house all clean again. Haha no it really wasn't that bad. But I did get a ton of cleaning and organizing done that I have been putting off for weeks now.

3. We FINALLY went Apartment Hunting!!!!!! My Hubby just got a Promotion and will be transfering to another office so we went and scoped out the new area. And it is amazing compared  to where we live now!! We are getting a two bed room two bath apartment that is more square foot than we live in now for the SAME price!!! (We live in a 1b/1b right now!). And the area is very nice and very safe! We are so just to make sure they have some openings come June!! And we are itching to buy our first home!! We are sick of wasting money on rent and want to start investing in a home..but we will {hopefully, Lord willing} be moving back up to our family in the next year or two. Until then we are excited about our new apartment!!

4.My Hubby's graduation is coming up in May and I couldn't find any Grad accouncements that were just right so I've been busy making one.

What do you think?

5. Aaw and now it's Easter! We had a great church service this morning and then lunch and now relaxing! We should be doing homework...but hey it's Our Lord's Resurrection Day!!! :D On a side note we just had an earthquake here about 5 minutes ago! Didn't seem to be too big...probobly about a 3 or 4. But still...Earthquakes always shake me up a bit ;)

Happy Easter and I hop you all are having a great day resting and celebrating our Lord's Resurrection!


Intentionally Living...Finding time to Cook!

If your new here then welcome to my latest series. For 2010 I decided to pick a word that would describe my goal for the entire year. And I finally decided on the word "Intentional" and thus the name of my blog was born! Before it was just "My Faith, My Love, My Life".

But I think Intentionally Living beautifully sums up this stage in my life and will continue to be my mission word until I die! Intentionally Living is finding the time and the love to Intentionally Live out my life for Christ. I strive everyday to follow him and become the best Wife, Sister, Daughter, Employee, Student, Future Mother and Friend that God is calling me to.

Thus this series was born. Check out my 2010 Word of the Year HERE. I am currently going through all my mission statements of this year and explaining in more detail what Intentionally Living those statements out looks like in my life.

This Weeks:
I am going to be Intentional about finding the time to cook around my busy schedule.

This one is a big one to me! I have never been the biggest cook! I actually really enjoy cooking but never thought it was very important to learn. My Mom is a fantastic cook but I never really found the time to learn from her. I mean I knew how to cook. I could pick up a recipe and follow it just fine! But that was it. I couldn't just throw together a meal for my Husband and I. So this year I have tackled the challenge of trying to become a great cook for my husband!

My husband loves food and I knew from the very beginning that this was going to be very important to him. We both love eating out but this is usually not healthy or financially smart. So I decided to start trying one new recipe a week. And let me tell has been amazing!! I have learned so much.

I now have a ton of things I can just pull out and whip together a meal. But this is very hard sometimes with our busy busy schedule. I know that all of you Mom's out there are thinking that I'm not nearly as busy as you and you still find time to cook..and I'm sure your right!! So I'm very thankful that I am learning right now how to juggle everything and still have a hot home cooked meal on the table nearly every night! I am praying that my practice now of doing it every night will help me to make this a life long habit.

Not only have I been concentrating on making good home cooked meals I have been trying very hard to make them as healthy {and as yummy} as possible! One great resource that I have found is The Abs Diet. I recommend everyone buy this book right now!! They also have companion books to it that are full of

recipes. I have found most of our favorite recipes from The Abs Diet and they are ALL healthy! In fact look tomorrow for a new recipe I am posting on a new Abs Diet recipe I tried this week. In the meantime go HERE to check out past healthy recipes I've made!

I think that great home cooked meals eaten around the dinner table every night has immense impact on the family! Check out this video by Dine Without Whine HERE.

Dine without Whine is also a great resource. You can find them HERE.

To Love, Honor, and Vacuum also recently did a post on this very subject. Check the post out HERE.

The Excellent Wife-Who I want to be:
"An excellent wife who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her
and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life...
she brings her food from afar.
She rises while it is yet night
and provides food for her household."
{Proverbs 31}

What do you think on this subject?
Where do you find great new recipes?
Please share with me :D