

Friday Follow!

Friday FollowWow! I have been so busy the past few weeks that I havn't been able to do Friday Follow! But I'm back today and ready to meet new friends!

I do not want this to sound rude...but please only follow me if you actually like my blog! I know..crazy!! ;) lol. I know that getting followers if great {And I love that! Dont'get me wrong} but I really want to meet some great new friends today! So take a minute...check out my blog and if you like what you see then please feel free to follow me and I'll follow you back! ;)

So Hi :) I'm Jami. Nice to meet you! Take a minute and get to know me!

A Few places to get to know me:
Check out my About Me page HERE 
Check out my 2010 Word of the Year HERE
Check out our Wedding Photos HERE

I can't wait to meet some great new friends today! And I havn't been posting as much the past two weeks {Find out why HERE} but I will be back into the full swing of things soon! And I've got some great giveaways lineing up for summer ;)

Nice to meet you, Happy Blogging and Happy Friday! :D

{Want to participate in Friday Follow? Then head over HERE to get the scoop and link up!}


  1. Your Wedding pics are beautiful! Hi :-) Nice to meet you! New Follower from the Friday Follow! Hope you can find time to visit me at One Savvy Mom ( )
    New Reviews/Giveaways Post Daily ( Family Friendly products, book, entertainment & event reviews :-)
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!

  2. Just sayin' "hi" today b/c I was happy to see a post from you in my reader :-) You know I'm already a happy follower! How are your finals going?

  3. I am here from FF. I am now following you. You have a lovely blog. Blessings!

  4. Hey whats your blog? The link isn't working! Thanks! I wanna check out your blog :D

  5. Hey Jaym! I'm sure you're glad to have those papers behind you, huh? Will be thinking of you next week w/ your finals. I'm sure you'll do a great job! Yay for hubby's new job starting. What a blessing how that all worked out.- I've been doing really well this week. Celebrating my DH's birthday today - can't wait :-) Next week it's all about Mother's Day prep b/c we're hosting both our families here for a Mother's Day Tea outside and we have some sprucing up to do out there for that. Enjoy your weekend! I look forward to hearing how your finals went...

  6. My blog address is

  7. I haven't done Friday follow in a while, either!!! Hope you had a fantastic weekend!! :D

  8. Hey James!
    I have the Sunshine Award over at my blog waiting for you! You truly are a ray of sunshine to me!
    Faith's Firm Foundation


Thanks for visiting my blog! If this is your first time here then let me know! I love comments and I always love hearing from my readers. If you would like to contact me via email my email is jamibalmet(at)hotmail(.)com.