

Are you a Woman Inspired?!

Have you ever heard of A Woman Inspired? It's an amazing online ministry for woman!

Their tag line is "A Woman Inspired: A Place for Women Who Desire to be Used by him"
This online woman's ministry hosts online conferences for only $12.95. You have access to chats and even MP3 downloads of all the sessions so you can listen to them over and over again. 

And no, I am not being paid to write this ;) This is just how excited I am to promote this amazing ministry!! Check out A Woman Inspired HERE

I have not done any of the conferences yet but I am excited to check it out! The next conference is May 10-12th  and is called the "one" Marriage Conference and I couldn't be more excited to attend!!  Head over HERE to check out more about this conference that is so affordable and is manageable on everyone's time schedule! 

I am excited to participate in the One Marriage conference but I don't have to wait until then to do one of their conferences. They have MP3's of the past few conference's for sale for only $9.95! I just bought the last Efficient and Creative Life conference and I am so excited to start listening to the sessions. Topics that will be covered include learning how to develop your God given talents and gifts, push past creative blocks, further your education in the area of your choice (at no cost), be more productive and more!

I am sure that you guys will hear a lot more about this conference as I start listening to the sessions, reading the old chat logs, and reading the handouts that go with each session.

I am so excited for the One Marriage Conference in May! You can still sign up too! Join us in the fun and learn how to develop your marriage matter what stage of marriage you are at! 


  1. Hey Jaym! Oh! I've never heard of this...have to check it out... Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Woohoo! It's Friday! Have you heard of BlogFrog before? I just found it this week, and am really excited about the idea. It's an online community (mine is called The Windy Poplars Neighborhood). Check it out when you get a chance, move in if you like it, and send some feedback my way for how to make it better/more interesting/ideas for getting people excited to join in, etc.! Talk to ya later...

  2. Sounds amazing! I can't believe i never heard of it before... Totally going to check it out!!

    Btw loved your blog!!
    Mine is
    Hope you like it and become a follower too!! ;)

  3. Wow, this sounds awesome! thanks for sharing! I will definitely check it out : )

  4. Hey Jami! Thanks for checking out my blog, and for your lovely comment! It was very encouraging! Consider me your newest follower too! Hope you have a lovely Sunday. :)

  5. thanks for your post yesterday Jami! I'm really trying to get on the bandwagon with coupons, recipes, meal planning etc. My DH and I are just so bored with our current food situation :)

    I really appreciate your help!

  6. I have not heard of this marriage conference-sounds really interesting. (I am familar with" Marriage Encounters")

    Thank you for your response on our tractor to remember when isn't it?

  7. That sounds like a really cool conference!!

  8. Hi Jami!

    Thank you so much for spreading the word about this ministry. It is ladies like you who make this so rewarding! :)

    I'd be honored to bless you with a ticket. Email me and we'll get you registered!

  9. Hi James!
    I'm just stopping by to say Hi! I'm doing fine, but a little busier! Trying to keep up with blogging, but not finding as much time to read and comment as I would like:) Doing increased "in person" ministry lately. Getting ready for a "Homeschooling Info Meeting and Dessert" for young couples to be able to ask questions of several "veteran" couples about Homeschooling. Also, had my "Mom Thing" this past week. So fun! I absolutely love mentoring young moms!
    I have been trying to tweak my "blog look" and keep finding new ideas to try! Fun, but takes time, of course:)
    How's house-hunting coming? Getting ready for graduation? Hope you're doing well.
    I'm praying for you both!
    Faith's Firm Foundation


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