

Intentionally Living...Finding time to Cook!

If your new here then welcome to my latest series. For 2010 I decided to pick a word that would describe my goal for the entire year. And I finally decided on the word "Intentional" and thus the name of my blog was born! Before it was just "My Faith, My Love, My Life".

But I think Intentionally Living beautifully sums up this stage in my life and will continue to be my mission word until I die! Intentionally Living is finding the time and the love to Intentionally Live out my life for Christ. I strive everyday to follow him and become the best Wife, Sister, Daughter, Employee, Student, Future Mother and Friend that God is calling me to.

Thus this series was born. Check out my 2010 Word of the Year HERE. I am currently going through all my mission statements of this year and explaining in more detail what Intentionally Living those statements out looks like in my life.

This Weeks:
I am going to be Intentional about finding the time to cook around my busy schedule.

This one is a big one to me! I have never been the biggest cook! I actually really enjoy cooking but never thought it was very important to learn. My Mom is a fantastic cook but I never really found the time to learn from her. I mean I knew how to cook. I could pick up a recipe and follow it just fine! But that was it. I couldn't just throw together a meal for my Husband and I. So this year I have tackled the challenge of trying to become a great cook for my husband!

My husband loves food and I knew from the very beginning that this was going to be very important to him. We both love eating out but this is usually not healthy or financially smart. So I decided to start trying one new recipe a week. And let me tell has been amazing!! I have learned so much.

I now have a ton of things I can just pull out and whip together a meal. But this is very hard sometimes with our busy busy schedule. I know that all of you Mom's out there are thinking that I'm not nearly as busy as you and you still find time to cook..and I'm sure your right!! So I'm very thankful that I am learning right now how to juggle everything and still have a hot home cooked meal on the table nearly every night! I am praying that my practice now of doing it every night will help me to make this a life long habit.

Not only have I been concentrating on making good home cooked meals I have been trying very hard to make them as healthy {and as yummy} as possible! One great resource that I have found is The Abs Diet. I recommend everyone buy this book right now!! They also have companion books to it that are full of

recipes. I have found most of our favorite recipes from The Abs Diet and they are ALL healthy! In fact look tomorrow for a new recipe I am posting on a new Abs Diet recipe I tried this week. In the meantime go HERE to check out past healthy recipes I've made!

I think that great home cooked meals eaten around the dinner table every night has immense impact on the family! Check out this video by Dine Without Whine HERE.

Dine without Whine is also a great resource. You can find them HERE.

To Love, Honor, and Vacuum also recently did a post on this very subject. Check the post out HERE.

The Excellent Wife-Who I want to be:
"An excellent wife who can find?
She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her
and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life...
she brings her food from afar.
She rises while it is yet night
and provides food for her household."
{Proverbs 31}

What do you think on this subject?
Where do you find great new recipes?
Please share with me :D

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