

1st Kindred Connection Blog Party!

Hey my friend Kristin from Windy Poplars is hosting her first ever connection blog party! Click on the button below to head over to her place and join in on the fun!

Windy PoplarsThis is a great way to meet other great bloggers just like yourself :D Check it out!

Okay the questions for this week:
If you could describe your desired lifestyle in one word, what would it be? Disciple

2. What style of home is your "House of Dreams"? Oh no..this could be a LOONG response ;) My husband and I are moving in a couple months to be closer to his new job and have been talking about houses a lot lately! And while we are only renting for now because we will probably be moving again in the next year or two we are already dreaming of our first home! I eventually want the classic home! I want property, but not too much..just enough for my kids to be able to build forts and to have a beautiful garden. I would love to have a pool with of course a huge deck for parties and fun summer days. I want a HUGE kitchen with a bar in the middle with lots and lots of cupboard space. Oh my...dreams! ;)

3. If you could live in a fictional story/movie, which would it be and why? Whew this is a hard one! Okay I got it...Narnia! How cool would it be to hang with Aslan and talk to animals?!

4. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Favorite kind? Oh while I LOVE them both I would have to say that coffee is my Fav! I can't go without it! It's so relaxing..Mmmm now I want some! ;) And I'll drink any kind of coffee!!

5. Share the last sweet/romantic thing your hubby did for you. Aaw my Hubby likes to surprise me with things all the time! He is soo good to me! Last week he surprised me with coming home with the next season of the show I'm currently watching and he knew I was dyeing to watch it!! He then proceeds to watch it with me even though the show is not his favorite. He's good to me!!! :D

Happy Blogging :D


  1. I am so happy you found me. I have been looking around your blog and it is so cute! And oh my, why didn't I think of Narnia!!?!?! That would be amazing. I am so excited to get to know to you, too! I am your newest follower :) XOXO, Katherine Anne

  2. So far I adore your cute! I can't wait to read some more. Nice to meet you today from the Kindred Connections post:-)

  3. Hi Jami! Thanks for joining the party! Had so much fun reading your answers. Narnia's a great idea. DH and I actually got all the books on tape for Christmas this past year (FotF Radio Theatre), and have been enjoying listening through them before bed at night. We're big fans! Had a big Narnia party for our friends when Prince Caspian came out, then all went to the theatre to watch it together. But I digress... That was so sweet of your hubby.~ Oh, and I liked your idea about a pool too. SO great for entertaining - makes your house the most popular one on the block! Talk to ya again soon ~K


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