

Blogging Withdrawls!

Hey all my blogging friends! Oh how I have missed you!!

I have been a bit MIA the past week. I've been lurking a bit commenting on a few of you. And if I haven't been commenting on your blog as usual I'm sorry :( I do miss all of your blogs and I dearly miss posting!!

My hubby and I have some exciting things coming up this next month but we are also oh so busy!!

What's up for us:
1. My wonderful Hubby got a promotion and is starting his new exciting job/career on May 3rd!
2. May 3rd is also the start of finals week! {Soo many papers due before then and lots of studying! Annd Hubby is taking 19 he will be busy!!}
3. My wonderful Hubby is graduating with his Bach. in Mathematics May 8th {in the top 10% of his class!!!!}
4. We are moving on May 15th to a bigger and better apartment for the same $$$ {And a much better city too!!}
5. Our 1st year Anniversary is May 17th!!
6. We are driving back home May 21st for a short weekend to see our Sister graduate from high school!

Annd then we have some things cooking in June! Soo we are very excited for all of these amazing changes and looking forward to them but the next month and a half is going to be BUSY!

We are excited to see what God has in store for us in the future and as soon as things settle down I will be back into full swing of posting for summer! So I'll be around lurking and probably occasionally posting...and I'll definitly respond to any comments and make sure to check out your blog during this hiatus.

Happy Spring!


  1. Miss you too Jaym! (thought that was better than "Jam") Sounds like you're crazy busy, but all good busy stuff. What a blessing! We're looking forward to a college graduation in my family too, my little sis. Such an exciting time of year. - At the moment we're in the middle of a bit of a crisis w/ our little poochie...the poor thing had to have emergency surgery and is now home recovering. He isn't doing so well, and honestly, neither am I! Been up since 5 w/ him and am a bit of a basket case. This too shall pass... Hope you're doing well! Talk with you soon, Hugs, ~Kristin

  2. Wow, it sounds like you have a very busy--but fun--month of May! Enjoy!

  3. Wow, sounds like you guys have a lot on your plate!! Hope you enjoy every minute of it! :)

  4. wow, you are going to be so busy this month! good luck and have a great time!

  5. Wow! You've got a busy May coming up! We're celebrating 22 years on May 14th!
    Have fun getting into your new home!

  6. Yay! So many amazing things on the horizion!! :)

  7. You both have some very exciting things coming up! Don't forget to take the time to enjoy each other during your busy season!


  8. Hi Jami! Found you through Kristen's blog (Hands, House, Heart). You are one busy girl! No wonder you're taking a hiatus! ;0)

    Read your post about being intentional... I wrote a New Year's post about being deliberate this year. You are so right -- if we want to make things happen in our families, relationship with God and/or careers, we have to make a plan and work it! ;0)

    Your blog is adorable!

  9. Hey well thank you for stopping by! And thanks I really enjoy blog design and always love when people notice :D!

    And yup we are the ones who have to make all of our intentional thoughts actually happen!!

    Thanks for stopping by! Do you have a blog I could check out? There's no link!

    Happy Friday!

  10. Jami, you must be running around like crazy! I'm sure you will get it all done! Be sure to find joy in it all and everything will be much more enjoyable! :)

    I just keep telling myself ten years from now none of this will matter all that much! :P

    Have a happy Monday!

  11. Hey Jami! I'm so excited to "meet" you! I am so glad that God is blessing you with new and exciting things coming up this summer! I look forward to reading more from you :) You are absolutely adorable and I love that we have young marriage in common! So happy to meet you :)

  12. Jami, Good to hear from you again, and I want you to know that I am SO excited for you and your husband. What fun and as I tell my kids, "What an adventure:)"
    I can relate to you busy times. My baby is graduating from college a week from today, and the next day is a baby shower for my daughter- in- law, and that is barely the tip of the events happening! But I am not complaining,-only celebrating the joys that God has given us.
    Take care!

  13. Aaaaw thanks!!!
    And wow you have some exciting times ahead! Good luck with all you have going on and enjoy all that God has given you :D


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