
Favorite Headbands?

I am so excited! I am thinking of opening my own Esty shop.

Will you please take my poll so I can get a better idea of what you all want? I am hoping to launch my Etsy/Artfire store in the next few months and would love your input!!

There are two quizes below! Make sure to stop by both if you have a minute!

For the first one please click on the View Survey link below and a new window will pop up then proceed to the picture quiz below.

View Survey

Here is the second quiz. Don't forget the link above! Thanks

{Click on the photo to make bigger and see photo credit}
Thanks for your help!!


Should I make the Switch?! Help!

I am thinking of making the switch to Wordpress...

BUT I don't know anything about Wordpress! Ask me to do something in Blogger? No problem! I can figure it out in a minute!

But I want more...and wordpress may be the answer.

Have you made the move? Or thinking about it to? Help me out! Tell me what you think!!

I would love any thoughts you have on this topic!! I'm confused :|

Thanks my lovley readers for helping me with this:)


Find Classes for your Kids!

{This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of KidzmetJen. All opinions are 100% mine.}

I was aproached by Kidzmet.com to check out their website. They asked me to made a profile and see what they are up to.

And let me tell you. I am so happy that I did! They are a website for Moms {and parents in general} that helps them connect to enrichment activites in their area.

This site is very helpful for mothers who have kids in public/private school and for mothers who homeschool their kids! The entire goal of the website is to connect you with activites in your area.

They realize that as a homeschooling Mom you need connections to enriching activites and classes in your area and they realize as a mom of a public or private schooler that budget cuts are cutting all extra classes. Now on to my evaluation.

Becoming a member takes less than five minutes and is FREE. They just ask for your name, area you live and email. Then you have the oppurtunity to fil out information about your kids so that Kidzmet can connect you with classes that are relevant to you and your kids.

You can search for classes by subject, age, days, times and so much more. With the search you are able to find any class for any age. You can also search for Parent/child classes, classes that offer a sibling discount and classes for kids with special needs.

Once you've done the search and found the class you love it is fast and easy to sign your child up for the class.

Here's a snapshot of what it looks like once you've found a class and how easy it is to see all the information. The website is very clean and attrative which makes searching very fun and easy.

{Click on the picture to make it larger}

You can also view who has signed up for this class already and find your child's friends to take classes with. You can also rate the class to help other Mom's find great classes and your membership comes with a free calander right on the website and with one click you can put a class on your calendar for easy scheduling. And with one click you can also request a carpool with others in the area going to the same class!

This website is so easy to use it's amazing. You can even take your calendar on your site and sync it to your calendar on your edesktop with one easy click!

I love that there are also articles on the site to help you pick the perfect class for your kids.

I want to homeschool my kids and I am so happy that I found this site for when we are looking for activities. They are a newer site so go check them out today and help them expand! If you can't find many activities in your area then let them know there's a need for your area!

The Bottom Line:
I am so happy that I had the oppurtunity to review this website. It is so user friendly and easy to navagate that it even works for the Mom's who have zero computer skills. I can't wait to watch this website grow and to use it when I have little one's of my own. Check them out today at Kidzmet.com
Visit my sponsor: NEW SITE FOR MOMS - Expedia for Enrichment Classes

Connection Party!

It's that time of the week again! The Kindred Connection Party! Head over to my friend Kristin's page at Windy Poplars to check out the fun! Every week there are a few questions to answer and then you have fun getting to know other bloggers like you!

It's fun! Come join in!!
Windy Poplars

Okay this weeks question:
1. What made you want to start your blog?

Wow. This is a really hard question. Well I had a few friends who blogged and talked all the time about how amazing it is. And I have always loved writing. Way back when I had a Myspace I used to write little blogs on that all the time. 

Then I started seeing all the neat people who had blogs and new friends I could make. My husband and I are in a unique situation being married and so young and don't have a whole lot of couple friends our age. Blogging allows me to connect with people who are at the same stage in life as me and to learn from those who are older and wiser. 

Blogging has also allowed me to share my faith and I pray that every day and with every post that I share Christ with my readers and that my blog glorifies God. 

I cannot exactly pinpoint why I started a blog and all I can say is that it has been such a blessing to me and can only have been a prodding from God to start it up. And I am so blessed and thankful that I listened :)

Come join the fun, meet new friends, and let us know why you blog!! 


We Moved This Weekend!

We just moved this weekend and are soo happy with our new bigger apartment :)

After having found the perfect apartment for us in a great location we have had some trouble moving in.

We signed out lease and got everything ready. A week before moving in I called the apartment place to ask a small question when they informed me that we would not be able to move in the day we wanted or the apartment we had already signed the lease for. What?!? And instead we couldn't move in for another week What? I already told my current apartment place we are moving out on that date and they were switching us to another apartment What? I already had our address changed in a lot of places...we provobly have stuff in the mailbox already..I mean...we are moving in a WEEK.

Okay okay okay so after all that we are finally moved in this weekend! And in the end I was far too impatient and stressed when God had it in his hands the whole time.

Now we are moving into an apartment that is in a better location and would have normally cost us $200 more a month to rent but they are giving it to us at the same price because of the mix up {even though the apartment is the same floor plan, upstairs and the same in every way..lol NO idea why it's more $ haha}.

And we got to actually go away for the weekend and
celebrate our anniversary last weekend instead of moving.                                                                                     

  So the moral of the story: Trust in God in all things. He will deliver and he is always faithful!

BUT the only downside we won't have internet for a few more days. Yikes! So if I'm slow responding to you then just bear with me.

And Yes, I will be posting pictures soon! I love decorating!!


Fun Summer Finds

In light of summer quickly approaching I thought I would share some fun summer finds from Etsy! Enjoy!

This season I have been loving Headbands {But that's not new!!}, funky belts, nacklaces, and home decor {I'm moving}.

Check out what I've found and share with us what you are loving this year!

{Polka Dot Flower Belt}
So Funky and Fun!
This would be oh so cute for all my summer dresses! :)

Doesn't yellow just scream summer?!?
So Fun and Flirty!

There is something soo sweet about this necklace!

This necklace would go great with a cute summer dress!
Oh so Summery!

Fun Wall Art:
I love these unique and creative wall stickys!! So original!

Christian Wall Art at a great price and unique! What could be better?

What are your favorite summer finds this year?!?


Intentionally Living...My Degree

Welcome to post #5 in my series on Intentionally Living. If this is your first time on my blog or this series then head over HERE to check out my 2010 Word of the Year: Intentional.

Be Intentional. In all things.

This week's Intentionally Living Statement:

I am going to be intentional about my school work. I love it so much not to give it my all.

It's no secret that I am in the middle of my bachelors degree. I am a Biblical Studies and History double major and absolutly love what I learn.

I get tired sometimes. I get busy. I get stressed. I get lazy.

If you have ever been in school any length of time then you probobly know what I mean? Classes can be stressful with papers, tests, reading, working, friends, family, and everything else.

God has placed me in an amazing place with amazing oppurtunities to learn things such as the history of the Ancient Near East and how to speak Hebrew and Greek!!

This year I am trying to be very Intentional about being obedient to where God has placed me and to try and give my schooling my all. I feel God calling me to an amazing Master's program in Biblical Counseling/Biblical Studies and I am trying to be patent and obedient in that calling.

need to get straight A's not because I am a perfectionist {which I often am} but because I know God is calling me to use those grades to get to something more. 

And because of this it is all the more important to really give my classes my all. In my classes I don't sit down and learn boring facts and figures...I'm learning about God and his people and I know how extrememly fortunate I to be having this education.

When I sit down in my classroom each morning I'm learning how to read the Bible in it's original languages!!! Wow! How amazing is that?!?

My prayer for this year is that I don't just sit down each morning and do my work. I don't want to get A's for the sake of A's. I want to learn. I want to gain the knowledge that God has placed in front of me and is calling me to one day use in his ministry {wherever that may be that he places me}.
My goal and my Intentionallity is to glorify God in all things.
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God". 1 Corinthians 10:31 {ESV-Emphasis Added}

What has God placed in your life that you are passionate about?


Kindred Connection Party!

My friend Kristin over at Windy Poplars is hosting a fun little connection party! Head over to her page, answer the questions and link up! I can't wait to meet some new friends today!!

Windy Poplars

Okay the questions for this week:
1. What is the most recent vacation you've been on? My Hubby and I went away this last weekend to Palm Springs to celebrate our first anniversary :)

2. What is the destination of the vacation of your dreams? Oh I am so happy that you asked. My dream vacation would be 3-4 weeks in Europe and the Middle East (YES the Middle East). We would spend about a week or two touring Western Europe...Paris...London..all the classics! Then we would head down to Italy and take a few days in a little Italian villa on the sea and just relax! Then from their we would hit up Greece for a few more days and again visit all the classics then visit Istanbul for a day maybe two  and then take a cruise through the Mediterranean over to Israel and spend about a week in Jerusalem/Judea area. Then after that head down to Eygpt for a few days and then head home.

Haha okay I know..sounds crazy. But you should know that I am a Biblical Studies/History double major who knows Hebrew and is learning Greek....haha. I KNOW I'm a NERD!!! ;)

3. Do you have a favorite place you vacation to regularly? Well I don't know about regularly but we LOVE Hawaii and even though we have only been there once we plan on going back many many times ;)

4. Vacation preference: beach, city, or mountains? Beach that is close to the city! I grew up in the mountains..haha so not the mountains.

5. Have you ever vacationed with a group of people (other than your family)? If so: How did you coordinate it, and would you do it again? Um..when I was in middle school/high school I went with my best friend Angie and her family to Disneyland a few times..Good memories!

I look forward to reading your answers and hope to meet some new friends today!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful wonderful Mother!

I love you so much and I am so sad we can't be there to celebrate with you! I hope you have fun getting your pedicure and celebrating with the boys.

I Love You

Hubby, Me, My Mom, and Youngest Brother

Having fun at Universal Studios

I hope you have a great birthday Mom! Love you and can't wait to see you next weekend. Have fun celebrating with your friends this weekend!!!


Our Wonderful Weekend

Here is a recap of our wonderful anniversary weekend. Today is our 1st wedding anniversary and we had a wonderful weekend in Palm Springs celebrating! 

Here are just a few of the photos we took. I gotta get back to packing because we are moving in 5 days! Wow!

The villa that we stayed at! It was so beautiful and the perfect place for a weekend getaway.

Notice my earing necklace? Sweet hubby got them for me :D

The view from our patio..over looking the golf course.

Around our cute little villa! 


Our Wedding

My one year Wedding Anniversary is just one day away!! I cannot believe that I have been married to the Love of My Life for a year already!

It seems like just yesterday that I was getting my final dress fitting and making final plans and in other ways I can't remember what life was like before we were married. 

This first year has been absolutely amazing! We have hit so many milestones already and can't wait for the many many more to come!

And so because I am on vacation and bonding with my love, I will leave you with a few pictures from our oh so perfect wedding! 

Waiting for his Bride

I Do.


Anniversary Weekend Getaway!!

Our first year anniversary is coming up in a few short days!!!! On May 17, 2010 we will have been married for a year already!

Wow!! So in celebration we are heading to Palm Springs for the weekend and we are very excited!! This will be our first weekend getaway like this that wasn't to see family. Don't get me wrong...we love visiting our family but it is not romantic..lol.

We are staying in a great little villa and it is supposed to be 96 degrees!! woohoo! We are spending most of Saturday by the pool with a smoothie reading some great books.

And because we booked this kinda of late I was able to find some GREAT last minute deals and found this great little villa.

Look how cute our room is!!

And I am scared to death of this but also kinda of excited. We are going to take the famous tram in Palm Springs that rises 2 1/2 miles up the side of the mountain!! Yikes! I am so afraid of heights..but I know Hubby will love it!

I am very excited for our little trip! We will be leaving tonight after work and I couldn't be more excited for this little mini vacation. We have been so busy lately with finals, graduation and moving that it will be such a nice break to do nothing but relax all weekend! Know I just gotta get through the work day ;)

Happy Friday everyone! What are you doing this beautiful weekend?

Friday Follow!

Oh my oh my oh my! Today is Friday..my favorite day of the week! Not only is it the end of the workweek, the night my hubby and I do nothing but relax, but it's also the day that we make new friends! And I love making new friends!

I do not want this to sound rude...but please only follow me if you actually like my blog! I know..crazy!! ;) lol. I know that getting followers if great {And I love that! Dont'get me wrong} but I really want to meet some great new friends today! So take a minute...check out my blog and if you like what you see then please feel free to follow me and I'll follow you back! ;)

So Hi :) I'm Jami. Nice to meet you! Take a minute and get to know me!

A Few places to get to know me:
Check out my About Me page HERE

Check out my 2010 Word of the Year HERE

Check out our Wedding Photos HERE

I can't wait to make some new friends today! Let me know you were here and I'll check out your blog! And welcome new friends who arn't from Friday Follow!

Friday Follow
Have a great Friday
Check out my plans for this weekend HERE and tell me what you are up to this beautiful weekend!


Happy Mother's Day!

Okay okay okay...so I'm a liiiitle late. Please don't shoot...I've been very busy lol. But better late than never.

First I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there! I pray that you seek God's will in raising your children. Second I want to say Happy's Mother's Day to all you future mom's out there. I pray and I know that God is giving you the skills right now that will make you into the mother that God wants you to be. You will one day be the Proverbs 31 women and wife...well with God's help you may get close ;)

And third I have two very special Happy Mother's Day wishes to my two mothers. 

1. To my Mommy. I love you so much! You have always been there for me. We have had our tough years together but after our 20 years together I can honestly say I couldn't wish for a better friend and mother. You are  always there to talk things through with. You are always there to hear me rant. And above all...thank you for putting up with my all these years. :D I Love You.

My Mom and brothers at their special Mother's Day lunch. Sorry I couldn't make it Mom. Love you and miss you and can't wait to see you again! Living so far apart is tough!!

2, To my NEW Mommy. I have had you officially now for a year. Thank you for being so loving and welcoming me into your family. I truly feel at home with you and I am so thankful for you. Thank you for helping mold my husband into the man he is today. Thank you for always being a friend to me. Thank you for all the fun times shared and for many many more memories in the future. I love that we are so close and I am so thankful that God brought me to your son and had your son in your family. I Love You. 

I am thankful that we got to spend time with you this past weekend and be with you on Mother's Day. I'm sorry you then had to drive 8 hours home that day but thanks for coming to visit us. This weekend was so much fun and meant so much to us that you made the long drive. 

I love my mommies and feel so very fortunate to have two wonderful mothers!! 

My Hubby-The Graduate!

I am so extremely proud of my husband!!

Can I brag for just a minute? Okay..I will!!
My amazing husband just graduated with his bachelor's degree in Mathematics (I know, YIKES!) in the top 10% of his class. Yes, he is a genius! ;)

Not only did he graduate in the top 10%, but he did it while working full time for his last year and taking an over full load (19 units!!) of classes. I am so very proud of him and so very very happy that he is done with his degree! 

Here are a few photos from this weekend! He graduated on the 8th. 

I'm Baaack!

I am back.
 And I couldn't be more excited! I have had a very crazy and busy last month but I'm back and I'm ready to blog! I will *hopefully* be back to my usual 4-6 posts a week! :) I say hopefully because I am still moving in a week! So if I'm a little behind then just bear with me!

I'm back and I can't wait to find out what I missed!

I have missed you all


The LORD is my Strength!

I miss you all! I have been so MIA lately...But my craziness is alllllmost to an end! And I couldn't be happier! My husband graduates tomorrow (yay!!!) and I am oh so close to being done with finals week. Two more papers left and I'm done for the year!

And in the midst of this craziness more craziness has been happening! As many of you know...we are supposed to be moving a WEEK from tomorrow! I say supposed to because we got a call last night that we wont be. Our apartments not ready for another week! Um...our lease is up for this apartment next week...

Anyway I have been on the phone all last night and all this morning trying to figure everything out. And trying to clean because our family is gonna be here in a few hours (:D) and try and finish my two papers due today!

But my hubby is graduating tomorrow!
We are trying to figure out moving in 2 weeks now.
And our 1st year Anniversary in little over a week!!!! :D Aaw love you Hubby!

So if you are in the midst of craziness right now I am praying for you. I understand life gets so crazy sometimes! But I want to encourage everyone to give your stress over to the Lord.
I know that we will not be homeless next week but it's still stressful and I need to LET GO! God is in control! And I am so thankful for that!

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war rise up against me, yet I will be confident. (Psalm 27: 1, 3)

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock. (Isaiah 26: 3-4)

The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. Psalm 28:7

The LORD is my strength today. I'm gonna be back to blogging again so! I have missed you all and need to catch up with all my friends :D


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