

It's Friday!

So It's finally Friday! I usually look forward to Fridays because it's mine and my hubby's datenight. But I'm especially glad that it's friday because my hubby has been a conference the last three days and I get to see him tonight!! And I get to see my wonderful Father in law and brother in law.

Friday FollowThis week they attended The Shepard's Conferece at Grace Community Church (John MacArthur's Church). Tonight is the last night of the conference and I'm driving up there to pick Jason up and visit with family! I'm so excited, we live about 500 miles from our family right now so any chance to see them is fantastic! So I'm excited for that :D

Anyway I don't have any big exciting post today but it is Friday Follow!
I love Friday Follow! It's such a great time to discover great new blogs! I have discovered some of my favorite blogs through Friday Follow.

If you want to participate then head on over HERE to get the scoop. So welcome new Friday Follow people! Check out my blog and have fun!!

A few posts to keep in mind while you are looking around are:

About Me: Want to know a little about who I am?!? Check out this post.
My Current Giveaway: Right now I'm giving away a $10 giftcard to an adorable Etsy shop named Precious Accessories. Giveaway ends monday 3/8.
Q & A: Get to know Me: Want to get to know me even more. Then head over to this post and ask me anything you want! You only have a few more days left to ask me questions!

That's it! Have fun and leave me lots of comments!!! heheh. I will be away from my computer night as I will be bonding with Family :D So if it takes me a little while to respond to everyone please forgive me!

Have a great Friday!!!


  1. Hi Jami!

    Thanks for following my blog! I'm your follower now! Love the blog design btw! :D

  2. Hey! Thanks for following me at In the Wings. Looking forward to getting to know you better as we both walk in closer steps with Christ! I too fail miserably everyday, but am working hard at it. Looks like we have a LOT in common, especially a lot of the places we enjoy visiting. (and crafts! My oh my! Crafts) =) Blessings!!

  3. Thanks for commenting on my site! Im glad you enjoyed it!... I love finding other young wives who have a passion to live out God's word! Thanks again and i look forward to reading more on your blog also!

  4. Thanks for stopping by... I'm following you back.

  5. Thanks for the follow! I am following you as well. :)
    Christine from Cute Stuff

  6. debbie_suburbsanityMarch 7, 2010 at 1:00 PM

    Hi! Came over from Friday Follow. Nice to meet you.

  7. I came across your blog from "Friday Follow" and am now following you via Google Friend Connect. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Come on over and visit us when you get a free moment. <3


Thanks for visiting my blog! If this is your first time here then let me know! I love comments and I always love hearing from my readers. If you would like to contact me via email my email is jamibalmet(at)hotmail(.)com.