Coming Soon!

I won!!

Which one do you like better?!
Thanks, hope you all have a Great Friday and a wonderful relaxing weekend :D
Thankful Thursday #9
It's Thankful Thursday time! I love Thankful Thursday it really helps kick my thoughts into the right place!
Sadly, for us..not for her :), our host Truth 4 the Journey has taken a sabbatical to do some publishing. And I cannot figure out where to hook up to Mr. Linky so let me know if you know!! So for now I will just be posting these unconnected. And you can still grab the bottom on her page.
This week I am thankful for:
1) Coffee! It warms me up and wakes me up!
2)My ancient World Civilizations Professor! He is amazing!!
3)My Mommy gave is letting me barrow her sewing machine ;)
4)A creative outlet for me to be able to use during the week. i.e. BLOGGING :D
5)College Home group tonight!!! Bible Study, friends and FUN!!!!
Have a wonderful Thursday, Friday, and WEEKEND!!!
Need a Pick me up?
An amazing thing that can change this is by getting into your Daily Scripture reading again, or first the first time. if you've ever been diligent and read each day God's word, then you know what I'm talking about, If not, then start today! You won't be sorry!!
When I'm in my daily reading, my life drastically changes. I find my thoughts focused on God much more and my responses become more godly. I find myself in prayer constantly, sharing my day with Him.
And wow, I feel like there's nothing like reading the Old Testament! So often as Christians, our entire focus is on the New Testament. For obvious reasons. and don't get me wrong, I LOVE the New Testament. But let me tell you, I think the Old Testament is wonderful to study!!
Now part of this could be because my degree in in an Old Testament emphasis, but I can't help it!! The Old Testament is fundamental to understanding our faith! When people think of the O.T. they often think of one word: LAW. And while there is law (and law is not a bad word...God's law is beautiful when looked at in the right light is actually something to find delight in! *check out Desiring God by John Piper for more on this..*) the O.T. is chocked full of history, narrative, and some truly amazing stories of God's interaction with his people.
Soo anyway, enough rambling...I want to encourage you to READ! And trust me, I understand being busy and not feeling like there's enough time in the day. But God's word is far too important to pass up. Turn off the TV 20 minutes early, get up in the morning early..do something to make sure that your daily reading becomes a priority. Often, my sleep suffers so that I can get to my reading for that day. But you know what? It's totally worth it! ;)
One of the easiest ways I've found to get into daily reading is by following a daily schedule. Randomly opening the Bible each day is not going get you to keep to it and is not really a good way to learn from it. My advice, if you have never done it before or it's simply been a while is to read the Bible cover to cover. I know, sounds intimidating! But the entire story of our Faith comes to light when you see the whole thing laid out like that. It's beautiful!
So I thought I would point you in a good direction to get started. I feel like following a schedule really helps me to stick to it. It's somewhat of a goal to accomplish each day. (But be careful to not make this about checking one more thing off your list. That's not what it's about. But rather the schedule can help keep you on track).
1. The one I am taking part in right now is the 90 Day Challenge. This is an intense schedule

3. And here is a third alternative that's a little different. You can find the schedule HERE. This

Well thanks for putting up with my rambling.
I hope some of these sites will help you. And please let me know if you find another schedule you like better. I'm always on the lookout for a new schedule to read and recommend to others!
Apron Giveway!!
I am so excited about this giveaway that I just had to share!!

This is probably my next favorite...I LOVE the cupcake theme!!!! SUPER cute!!!

The Simple Woman's Daybook #9
FOR TODAY... from Jami's Daybook...January 25, 2010
Outside my window...Sunny and warm after that crazy weather last week :D
I am thinking...of my littlest brother Jacob who is officially a teenager today!! Yikes!! Happy Birthday little brother!!
I am thankful for... My husband's cuddles this morning :)
I am wearing...Red polka dot shoes, jeans, red and white polka dot shirt, and white jacket. I look like Minnie mouse ;)
I am remembering...All the fun times I have had with my Baby Brother :D (Who I'm sure would like me to say...is NOT a baby anymore ;) hehehe)
I am going...grocery shopping tomorrow night...hehe, I know, I lead a VERY exciting life!!
I am currently reading...Well ALL my class books of course, which include some GREAT books.
And my hubby and I are currently reading Desiring God by John Piper (Which is an excellent book to read of course by yourself but the Hubby and I have really been enjoying it together. It really puts you in your place about you focus on Worship and our joy we find in Christ. I *highly* recommend it!) and I am currently, of course, behind on my 90 day reading challenge and am currently about halfway through the book of Exodus.
I am hoping... to finaaaaaaally finish my new blog design this week!
On my mind...brainstorming for my new blog design...hehe. Can anyone say ONE track mind!
Noticing that...running really does help my overall health and well being...too bad I LOATH it..
Pondering these words..."The chief end of God is to glorify God and enjoy himself forever". Desiring God by John Piper.
From the kitchen...Still trying to figure that out. I'm behind on my planning :( I gotta crack open my cookbook1
Around the house...My husband is at home right now *hopefully* doing the dishes! :) What a great man!!!
One of my favorite things..Coffee!!!! I know, I know..this is usually my answer..but I just LOVE it sooo much!! hehe
From my picture journal...Here's a sneak peak of what my new blog design maaay look like. I don't love it yet so I'm sure the final product will look much different...but here's a peak and I promise a new design is coming soon...I know that I need to get the Christmas background OFF!! It's driving me nuts...soon..hopefully this weekend!!

Joseph's Humility

Thankful Thursday # 8
So here goes...five things I'm thankful for.
1)I am so thankful for the Lord providing for us. We live in a very tough economic time and some days are harder than others but the Lord provides and we are so thankful.
2)I am thankful for my family. We had such a fun time visiting them over Christmas and I now miss them very much! I can't wait until we move back up there (Lord willing).
3)I am thankful that God has introduced me to the wide world of blog and web design. It has become such a joy in my life lately and while I do not any time to play with it I hope to one day in the future have time. I'm hoping to start making free blog templates..so check back in the future for those! But I might not get to them until this summer :(. But they will come, I promise!! :D
4)I am so thankful that my wonderful husband installed Photoshop Elements on my computer 2 years ago and until this year I have barley ever used it. And now I am fortunate enough to already have it and I use it every day! :D Next up...CS4 ;) Maybe next year for Christmas *Hint, Hint, Hubby are you reading this ;)*
5)I am thankful for the weekend!!!! The weekend's are always busy but also a wonderful time. On Friday's my husband and I have a rule that we do absolutely NO homework! And it works beautifully. It helps us because it takes the stress off. We can for one night forget about all our responsibilities and just bond with each other and relax. And yes, you guessed it, Friday night is when I normally do my web and blog design :D So excited for tomorrow night!!
I feel so blessed and this email could go on for miles. Thank you for listening to be ramble....what are you thankful for? I pray that you think about it every week. So often we can get wrapped up in our world's and our problems and we forget how God has blessed us. It's always a wonderful time to remember what we are thankful for each week and also to praise our God for this.
The Community of Christ

"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." Galatians 2:10
"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18
Simple Woman's Daybook # 8
Outside my window...It is raining raining raining!!!
I am thinking...how I don't have enough energy to go to chapel today
I am thankful for...Technology!!!!!!!!
From the kitchen...Not sure yet....gotta go figure that out. Haha
I am wearing...jeans with black flats and a black long jacket with a pink scarf and black knit hat with a pink flower!
I am creating...A new blog deign. I have had zero inspiration right now!!!
I am going...To Chapel and then Hebrew class in 10 minutes.
I am reading...Exodus and Desiring God by John Piper. I am only in the first chapter but it's good so far!
I am hoping...to get lots of cleaning and cooking done tonight.
I am hearing...the hummings of the office.
One of my favorite things...Everything bagels with creamcheese!! hehe my favorite things are usually food...
A few plans for the rest of the week...work, classes, work, classes...haha that's about it. Looking forward to this weekend! :D
Here is picture for thought I am sharing..My warm and cozy outfit today! :D

2010 Word of the Year
I've seen many great ones this year:
Just to name a few...
So I started thinking about what mine should be. If you don't already know, almost 8 months ago I married the Love of my Life. I love my man so much! And everyone told us the first year is going to be the worst! It's going to be sooo rough, but hang in there! Well so far we have not hit this snag :D. We are going good!
But I'm beginning to see that if we are not extremely intentional about our relationship things could always lead down another path as I'm sure is the case with many couples. The newlywed buzz is slowly wearing off and we are settling into the daily grind of life. Yet we can't let things just settle into the daily grind of life. If we do then all passion and all the little things we love about each other will slowly fade away.
As a new wife, a student, an emplyee, a daughter, a sister, and a friend, I felt that the most appropriate word for me this year would be "Intentional".
{Click the Link next to each sentence that says Post and will take you to a post I wrote about that particular goal..more are being added so check back!}
I am going to be intentional about being the wife that God has called me to be. {POST}
I am going to be intentional about being in a good mood whenever I'm at home. {POST}
I am going to be intentional about finding the time to cook around my busy schedule. {POST}
I am going to be intentional about keeping the house clean because it causes my husband stress. {POST}
I am going to be intentional about my school work. I love it so much not to give it my all.{POST}
I am going to be intentional about daily scripture reading. It is the most importat part of my day and should not be skipped. {POST}
I am going to be intentional about keeping up on my family relationships. Not letting them sit on the sidelines.
I am going to be intentional about keeping and forming relationships with new and old friends.
I am going to be intentional about learning Hebrew and go above and beyond my class requirment. I am going to really learn Hebrew.
I am going to be intentional about listening to God and where he wants to place me.
I am going to be intentional about blogging. I don't have a whole lot of time but this year I am going to be intentional about building up my blog. And asking that God shows me how to use it for his glory.
I am going to be intentional about moving towards living off of one income instead of two. See my post about why we are making that move HERE.
I am going to be intentional about opening our Etsy shop, Sister's Sweet Creations. This is my first step toward one day being a SAHM.
I am going to be intentional about learning how to sew.
I am going to be intentional about welcoming our sister, Sienna, into our home. We are opening our home to her to stay with us for the school year so she may attend the University God has called her to while *trying* to stay out of debt.
Now I'm sure this list will grow but these are the goals I am starting out with.

Boots, Boots, Boots!!

Thankful Thursday #7
If you would like to join in click on the picture below and it will take you to the Thankful Thursday home page! We would love for you to join us!
1) I am of course thankful in 2009 for being able to marry my amazing and wonderful man :D Our wedding was THE best wedding I could have ever asked for!!! This leads to # 2...
2) I am thankful for my wonderful Mommy who paid for our entire wedding! She was so amazing and wonderful and helpful throughout the entire process and she gave us the most wonderful wedding we could have ever asked for! She let me plan what I wanted and didn't try and have it her way. She was wonderful and our wedding day would not have been the same without her!!!!!
3) I am thankful for my Mom's boyfriend, Pliny. His wedding present to us what a honeymoon in Hawaii!!! This also would not have been possible for us without him. Hawaii was THE best vacation EVER and an amazing way to start off your marriage! I am so thankful for Pliny and his generosity!!!
4) I am thankful for school! Yes I said it. And yes I am a nerd!!! This past year I really started discovering what I want to teach (I eventually want to teach college). Aaaand I learned that I have enough time to add a double Major!! Woohoo!! So this semester I am adding on History as a double major to Biblical studies. I'm very excited to start my history classes...4 more days :D
5)I am thankful for the great place that I work. This past year I really got to know some of the people that I work with and let me tell you, they are amazing people! I have had so much fun settling into a job that is in a Christian environment. You walk past people's desks and hear worship music playing! Woah! And you see scripture allll over. We have Christmas parties and prayer and a feeling of warmth. It's an amazing place to work and I am so thankful for God placing me where he has. Now only to get that promotion once I graduate ;)
2009 was a big year for me! One which I will never forget. Many changes took place and exciting things happened. I cannot wait to see what 2010 will have in store for me! As usual, thanks for stopping by!
90 Day Challenge!!

2010 is here and that means some changes! One thing that I have majorly been slacking on lately is Bible reading! I've had times when I am super on top of daily reading and times when I'm uhhh less than perfect. Now is one of those times. Daily reading is something for me that when I get out of the habit of it, it becomes so easy to stay away for a while. I forget about it.
Well a few posts ago I said that I was going to start off the new year by being devoted once again to my daily bible reading! Being in God's word every day is so essential to walking this straight and narrow path that God has called us to. I know that when I am in His word every day and really pondering what He has to teach me then I am so much quicker had having a godly response when something happens. My mouth, my actions and my thoughts all become more aligned with his teachings.
So I have decided to take the 90 day challenge! Sounds impressive doesn't it? I am going to read through the Bible in 90 days. I have read the whole Bible before but never straight through. and I feel like this mega dose of daily bible reading will kick me into shape for the rest of the year! This will be a bit of a challenge since I am starting Spring semester next Monday but reading God's word daily is far too important to let busy life get in the way.
So will you join me?!?
You can head over to the main site here to find out more and you can actually buy the official "The Bible in 90 Days" but any Bible will do. I am preferring to opt out of buying it (It's NIV) and use either NASB or ESV...haven't decided yet. Mom's Toolbox is the sponsor behind this and has the 90 day reading schedule, found here.
I know I'm a few days late on this but don't let 6 days stop you from reading God's word. You also don't have to start on January 1st. Pick any day and make that day #1. So many people try and follow God's word and yet have never read most of the books contained in the Bible. There is something amazing about taking the Old Testament narratives, poems, and wisdom and seeing them in light of Christ's coming, teachings, and death. I want to encourage each of you to dive into daily reading. I'm going to right now :D
The Simple Women's Daybook #7
Outside my window...It is a beautiful SoCal Sunny winter day!
I am thinking...How I have missed blogging the past two weeks!
I am thankful for...My cute hubby and how he takes care of me when I'm not feeling well!
From the kitchen...a new Chicken cow mien recipe tonight! Yuuum
I am wearing...White jacket, my NEW $4.80 brown dress, white stockings, and brown flats.
I am creating...A new blog design...slow going.
I am going...to wal-mart tonight to get new contacts! woohoo! lol
I am reading...In the Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce. I read these books when I was in middle school and my hubby surprised me with them for my birthday :D
I am hoping...To have a great weekend relaxing with my hubby before the next busy semester starts on Monday.
I am hearing...Lots of typing
Around the house...Is clean!!! I stayed home sick yesterday from work but started feeling a little better in the afternoon and actually got unpacked from our vacation and cleaned up a bit! No more Christmas decorations!!
One of my favorite things...Lemon Cream Cheese Muffins..I just went to get one but unfortunately our coffee house is closed :(
A few plans for the rest of the week...relaxing, relaxing, relaxing...oh and more blogging of course ;)
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...More on being intentional later... :D

New Blog Design!
And while over Christmas I had planned to make a new winter one, well I got busy and didn't do it. Haha so bear with the Christmas theme for a few more days, I'm busy trying to make a new one. Also I have made a new design to put on my Wedding photos page and that will be going up *hopefully* tonight! So check back and let me know what you think!!
Merry Christmas!
But I'm back and ready to get back to blogging. In fact, I am going to try and blog more than ever.
Anyway, a new year is here! 2009 was a fantastic year!!! In 2009 I was continuing to discover living in Los Angeles and in May I married the most amazing man :D. We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and it was THE most amazing vacation ever! :D Then we spent a great summer settling into our apartment and started a busy, but good, Fall semester of classes.
Now in 2010 we have many things to look forward to! My Hubby is graduating in a few short months and we couldn't be happier! This year he has been working FULL time and going to school FULL time! He is definitely getting worn out! But the end is near and we are so excited! I've said this before but let me brag for a minute ;) My hubby is graduating with honors and is graduating in the top 10% of his class!!!! I'm soo proud of him!!
We will also be celebrating our first year anniversary a week after he graduates. So May is going to be a fun month :D. We are also hoping that he will have a promotion coming in the next few months at work. 2010 is going to bring some large changes for us but I am very excited.
We are also going to be stepping up with our serving. 2009 had a lot of changes what with moving and the wedding and all and thus left little time for other things. One thing that got shoved outta the way was our serving. We tried to serve as much as possible but slowly it becomes a lower priority, NOT good! So we are starting a fresh year and feel very motivated to serve our Lord to the best of our ability! I am hoping God uses us in great ways this year! And I am already starting to feel him stretching me and calling us to do things that are definitely out of our comfort zone. But alas, this is the way you learn! Prayer would be must appreciated as we start out this year!
Also in Fall semester, Jason's oldest sister and brother are most likely moving down here to L.A.!!! They will be about 30-60 minutes away from us!!! :D we are so excited to have our family so close to us again! Praise the Lord for how things like this work out.
What are you looking forward to this year? Many changes?
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!