A warm breeze, sounds of laughter and joy all around, and my toes buried deep in hot lovely sand. Surfboards and kites strewn around the beach. My husband, joyfully grabs his boogie board and hits the perfect wave. I watch all of this from right outside our front door with an ice cold tea in my hand.
In California this dream is simply that, a dream. Any apartment in California is expensive let alone a beachfront dream apartment, even if it is just a rental. So in thinking of my "dream" apartment I knew that I had to venture outside of California. I started searching on Vacany.com to see what I could find and my journey took me across the country.
My search began in Texas. Yes, Texas. I love country music and thought that the good old south would be a fun place to begin. Bucket hats and the slow pace of southern culture seems romantic and peaceful compared to fast paced Southern California. I quickly came across a winning Texan apartment:
The Mirage Apartments (Sounds wonderful doesn't it?)
This is what pulled me in, the Pool!
Can't you just imagine sitting by this reading your Micro-Biology textbook...okay so maybe studying would take place more in this your living room.
In love with this living room! So much space to spread out all your textbooks and papers!
And if you can believe it, this apartment fits into our budget for apartments! Did I mention California is expensive?
But alas, I did some more research and realized I could never live in Texas, it is far too hot for me!
Texas=Too Hot
So my search continued.I decided that my next stop should be somewhere cooler for a change. A snowy winter wonderland sounds beautiful compared to a land where it never falls below the 70's (IN WINTER!). I decided to search the West Coast this time and my sights fell upon lovely
Washington State. With the booming city of Seattle and lots of rich landscape, Washington seemed the perfect fit. Then I found it, the beautiful
Williamsburg Court Apartments.
Beautiful and rustic, this apartment was even below our budget. Just think of the parties you could throw in this historic looking beautiful complex. But alas again, I started thinking about the weather. Sure, the snow would be beautiful at first. But having to get up at 5am to shovel snow doesn't sound like fun to me. Nope are are not snow people, I like some warmth!
Washington=Too Cold
At this point I started feeling discouraged. Maybe our dream apartment isn't out there! Maybe we are just that couple who will have to settle for paying too much for a mediocre apartment. Then Vacancy.com came to my rescue! They showed me how to believe in my dream once again.
I started thinking about where we could get wonderful warmth but also have it cool off a bit. I started searching in Florida. Florida came up with apartment after apartment. Quickly I was able to sort by apartments in our price range hoping all the good ones wouldn't be gone. Loading....As my slow internet started bringing up the search results I got excited again...countless (beautiful) apartments starting coming up within our price range! I quickly sorted again and found those ON the water. And.We.Found.A.Winner!!!
Can you say WOW!? Beautiful apartment with a beautiful pool and can you see the waterfront right behind it?
This apartment has everything we could want.
1. It's affordable and within our budget!!!
2. It's ON the water
3. We were able to search Vacancy.com and see all the of available floor plans to make sure the apartments would work for what WE want and need! (Along with prices for each floor plan!)
4. Vacancy.com also listed for us the amenities included to figure out if we needed a fridge and things like that. And yes, if you were wondering, it does have an outdoor fire pit as well as a sundeck complete with Hammocks.
5. We were even able to contact the apartments directly from Vacancy.com to apply for our Florida waterfront apartment the very same day!
In the end Vacancy.com allowed me to search out my dreams. I was able to quickly rule out what was Too Hot, Too Cold and find what was just right for us. Our dream apartment is out there waiting for us right now and I was able to quickly and efficiently find it with Vacancy.com's great online tools.
Well I need to go now to finish our apartment application and see about getting my job transferred to Florida! Hope you find your dream apartment some day too!