

2 More Days

2 more days. 

2 more days until the weekend I have been looking forward to for a year now!

The Resolved conference is coming up this weekend and I can't wait!
We went to the Resolved conference last year for the first time and have been looking forward to this year's conference ever since. 

The conference is hosted by Grace Community Church {Who have some AMAZING resources if you have never checked it out}. We used to attend Grace and it happens to be the church led by Pastor John MacArthur who in my opinion is just about one of the best pastors/teachers of our generation. {The other great teachers of our generation are also going to be at Resolved ;)}

The speakers who will be attending are
John MacArthur
Rick Holland
C.J. Mahaney
Al Mohler
Steve Lawson

If you have never hear their teaching before then go google them! They all have their sermons and teachings online and will convict you to your very core! Plus they all have at least one book published, any book by any of these pastors is highly worth reading! 

The teaching that comes from the pulpit from these men is incredible. This conference is theologically and Biblically sound teaching. There is an overwhelming trend of nominal Christianity in our culture today and what most "mainline" churches teach today is lukewarm at best and not the meat that we need to survive as dedicated Christians.

I am so thankful that God has empowered these men to unashamedly preach the Gospel with such depth and conviction. I have been slowly preparing my heart for this weekend and pray that God convicts me of my sin this weekend and shows me how to better follow after Him. 

I know my blog has been very "craft" oriented lately, and I pray that you stick with me as I shift from mostly crafts back into a little of this or that. Many of you probably don't know but my bachelor's degree is in Biblical Studies and History. Not that I am an expert or pastor! But I will be sharing more biblical theology and ideas hopefully soon. Have a wonderful weekend. 

And if EVER have the chance to be in Southern California in June, come to Resolved conference. You won't be sorry!

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