

My First Baby Shower Cake

It seems that everyone around me is having babies. It must just be that season. My former boss is having her first baby in July and we threw a baby shower for her at work. I made the cake and there were many firsts on this cake for me.

I am still very new to learning to work with Fondant and everything I have done so far has been my own self taught experimenting. I had a lot of trouble with this cake and for some reason things kept going wrong. This cake turned out very different than I first envisioned. Oh will, I am still learning and I am *fairly* happy with the outcome. 

I made cute little gum paste shoes for the top :)

I love the idea of the clothes line. I saw someone else doing something similar and I love the look of the clothing line with the cute little grass and everything. 

Welcome soon little baby Walter :)


  1. I am so impressed with your cakes, for how new to cake-decorating you are, James! Even if you weren't new! Amazing! I think this Baby Shower cake is adorable. I wish you lived closer (but I always wish that:)

    Just wanted to let you know that I've completed my move from Blogger to WordPress--woohoo!! still a few "boxes to unpack"... and a Big change for me, but I am so excited at the results. The move went well, and I can't sing my designer's praises enough! Erin was fantastic!

    Come over, now that I'm up and running again on and let me know what you think:) ok?

  2. Wow that cake looks amazing! You are so talented :)


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