

4th of July Desserts

4th of July is quickly approaching. My hubby's office always has a 4th of July party where everyone brings in food. So I've been looking around for some neat things to make and some fun new things to learn.

Enjoy what I have found.
If there were more people who were going, I would totally make this:

I am going to make some fun cookies. Similar to these

Love the top right cookie-Fireworks! Too cute!

These are so cute and simple!

Love the U.S.A.! Cute idea

I am thinking I'll whip up some cupcakes as well:
These are so cute

These are my favorite!! I think I will attempt something similar :)

Let me know if you know of any cute 4th of July ideas too :)
I haven't decided what I am going to make yet. 

I started a Pinterest board for this as well, if you want to check it out

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