

Homemaker's Handbook: Favorite Recipe Download

Welcome back Ladies! We are in week #2 of the
Homemaker's Month of Helpful How To's!

This week we have been covering some fun recipes. I have been a little busy and have only had a chance to get two recipes up so far. But more are coming!

#1: Andes Mint Cake..Yuuum! Find it HERE

#2: Our very favorite Spinach-Artichoke dip! Find it HERE

Later this week  {Hopefully tomorrow} I will have a FUN Valentine's Day Recipe for some special cupcakes, feature some of YOUR favorite VDAY recipes and hopefully have a giveaway for you all :) Stay Tuned!

Today however I have a fun download for you.

Last week we covered the Homemaker's Helpful Handbook!
Go HERE to catch up and read all about it.

So today I will cover my recipe section.

In my recipe section I have either copied or typed out some of my favorite recipes. This makes it so easy when I'm doing my menu planning to pull out my handbook and pick a few of our favorites.

So I decided I needed a handy way to look at our favorite recipe's without flipping through each one.

So here is our Top 20 Favorite Recipe's List
I keep this in the front of our recipe section.

This little list works wonders! Do you keep track of all your favorite recipes?

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