

A Month of Praise in the Midst of Life

I am making a 31-day commitment to intentionally give thanks and PRAISE the LORD in this moment!

Will you join me?

eLisa over at Extravagant Grace is launching a month long movement to give God praise in this moment and in all things. It supposedly takes 31 days to make something a habit and that is our goal over the next month.

So often we all get stuck in the rut of our everyday lives. We live in the mundane and yet forget to see God in it. We forget to see that even in the little things that God is always working and moving and always has a plan. We have a hard enough time remembering to praise him in the Big things that we often completely forget about the small things.

So for the next 31 days {And beyond!} I am making a commitment to remember God and Praise him above all things in the little everyday things of life.

Over the next 31 days I will be busy growing my Etsy shop, doing giveaways, starting a new semester jam packed with classes, bonding with my Husband, bonding with my sister and brother who just moved close to us, starting a new fellowship group at church, and just living life.

And I will be busy. I will be tired. I will be lazy. But  in the midst of that {Not in spite of that} I will try and remember what this life is really about. Who we are really living for and who should get all the glory and praise for each little thing that happens.

I am committing over the next 31 days to live my life intentionally with a Christ centered God focused attitude of Praise to the one who creates and sustains all things {Colossians 1:17}.

Will you join us in this great movement of remembering to Praise our Lord and Savior?

Extravagant Grace
Go HERE to find out how you can get involved. This week kicks off the 31 days and there will be discussions, topics to post about, and of course some yummy giveaways!


  1. Jami, it is so nice to 'meet' you too! What an adorable blog you have. I don't have little ones but if I did, I'd buy a few of those Etsy hair creations. I'll have to explore your online store. I will also follow you.

    As far as our 31 days of praising God in this moment, I'm excited. This is definitely a habit I want to cultivate. No matter what is happening in our lives, God is in control and there's always something to praise Him for. I'm glad we're both joining eLisa. She's the best.


  2. Jamie, I am so glad to have you join in this month of praise! You are getting off on the right foot with all that is on your plate. That's some of the same reason why I felt like now -- in the midst of chaos -- is the time to live intentionally and praise the Lord. What a blessing to do it with kindred spirits! Praise the Lord we get to growth in our faith together!

  3. What a wonderful commitment! Sounds like a great "habit" to get're right, sometimes we need a little encouragement in things that should come naturally, but don't. Hope you're having a wonderful week so far! How did the moves go for your siblings? Are they all settled in?

  4. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love the name of yours...intentional. :)

    I too am looking forward to seeing what God does in and through our lives as we intentionally thank and praise Him!

  5. Yay! I'm so glad you are joining in! eLisa had a great idea and I'm so excited to see all of the wonderful ways God reveals Himself to us.

    ~ ~


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