

The Blessing of Family

SO tomorrow our Sister, Sienna, will be moving in with us. And our brother, Jean-Marc, is moving close by!
This is a big deal and we are so excited!

{Sienna's Made of Honor speech at our Wedding. She did amazingly!}

A little backdrop to this: 2 years ago we moved about 500 miles away from our family to go to college. We weren't sure how long we would stay down here but thought maybe after Hubby graduated or at the very longest after I graduate we would move home. Well that looks like that's not God's plan for us. And while we dearly miss living 15 minutes away from both of our families we are so thankful for all that God has given us and the direction he is steering us in.  So for now we are living 500 miles away from any family and dearly missing them.

But part of that is changing this weekend! We are so excited that both our sister and brother are moving down to live near us! We are extatic! They are both coming down here for college and we are so proud of each of them.

Jason's oldest brother Jean-Marc is transferring to  The Master's College and majoring in Biblical Studies and Jason's oldest sisters Sienna is starting college at California Baptist University and majoring in Nursing!

Jean-Marc will be about 40 minutes away from us and are so excited that we will at least see him once a week at Church and hopefully much much more! Jean-Marc is a super saver and got a ton of aid for college. He is also a transfer and have his first two years of college done and paid for. So proud of him and he is excited to finish his degree!
{Jean-Marc and his beautiful gf Tana. Arn't they cute?!}

Sienna on the other hand was having trouble finding the funding for college. It's such a shame that so many want to attend Christian college's but can't because of how expensive it has become. I know we have definitely felt the strain!!

And God has been moving the past few months and helped set it up so that we could help out Sienna. We happened to just move in May to be closer to Hubby's new promotion that just happened to be 30 minutes closer to Sienna's school and just happened to get a two bedroom apartment when we really only need one but the price was the same we paid before and we just happen to love our sister! :) So when she got a bit stressed with everything we offered for her to move in with us for the school year and we are so happy that she said yes!

We feel so blessed that God has blessed us in a way that we can help out our sister! Sienna is one of my best friends and was my Maid of Honor. I am so excited to have her move in and we already are scheming about all the wonderful things we will do! Like sewing classes together and trips down to L.A.'s Fabric District  :)  I am so thankful that God has used us to answer a prayer in her life and we are so excited for this wonderful opportunity that is about to begin.

{Love her!}

They are driving down tomorrow night and moving Sienna into our apartment and then we are all driving to Jean-Marc's school to help in move in and then we are hitting the beach. I can't wait to not only have a best friend and a sister move in with us but also to have our brother so close! We are getting two family members close to us in one weekend! Exciting!

We are also aware that this will be very different for us as this far in our marriage we have been used to living alone. But we know that God has orchestrated this all in his Divine plan and we are more than willing to make a little sacrifice in order to be a blessing to our sister. We also think this will be a little training ground for when we have kids on how to effectively find alone time with someone else in the house ;)

I am already getting excited and planning fun ways that Hubby and I can get that precious alone time and fun dates that we can go on!

All in all we are so excited and blessed and can't wait! And I don't know how much blogging time I'll have the next few weeks with my Best Friend in the next room! Too much talking and laughing is going to happen :)


  1. WOW, Jami! This is awesome. I love your outlook on it and God will TOTALLY honor your sacrifice and heart behind it! You go girl! I think it will be a new season in your marriage and that is a beautiful thing :) Blessings!!

  2. How exciting! I know you're lovin' this Jaym! I'm so very happy for you and your family moving close by...You'll just have to write joint posts w/ Sienna now I guess :-)

  3. Ooh Kristin what a wonderful idea!!! I should let her take over my blog everyone once in a while :) Actually she wants to start her on..I keep pushing her to! lol!

  4. I love how you are willing to help your sister out and also be blessed in the process. Isn't God good? It goes along with praising Him in this moment.


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