

Top 10 Favorite Sewing Tutorials

A couple weeks ago I did a post titled "10 Ways to Begin Sewing" and here is a follow up to that post!

I have been dieing to learn how to sew but haven't had the right equipment {Missing my cord}, the time or a sewing buddy. Now I have all of those. I am signed up for a sewing class for Sept. 7 with my sister and I am so excited! But that's not the point...

So as I have been thinking about Sewing a lot lately. I have been noticing all the great sewing tutorials on a bunch of my favorite blogs. So I thought I would share with you my "Top 10 Favorite Sewing Tutorials" that I want to try out just as soon as I figure out what a bobbin is ;)
{These are in Random Order}

Okay okay..this one doesn't technically need sewing but isn't is adorable?!?

Ruffle Shirt #2 from the same great Gal above!

Great fun Way to spice up a plain T-shirt

Super Cute Nautical Dress
I seriously need to go try this one out right now!


Ruffled Shower Curtain {Notice a Ruffle pattern?}

{This tutorial is done with a fabulous video that makes it oh so easy to follow along!}

{For my amazing camera on my wish list!}


Have you come across any other yummy sewing tutorials? I'd love to hear about them. I'm in a sewing mood :)


  1. Thanks so much for sharing these! Every single one of them is so cute! Now I just have to learn how to sew.... haha!

  2. Hi, I have video sewing tutorials posted on my blog: . Enjoy, and Happy Sewing!

  3. I love the sewing machine quilt...that is so clever. And the bird pillow absolutely belongs on my couch!
    Great glad my mother taught me how to sew and then taught my daughter to sew.
    We are blessed.

  4. Hi,

    Great list. I love Sachiko from Tea Rose Home too.
    I have been doing a lot of sewing tutorials lately:
    Here's my other blog where I post one free sewing pattern from around the web:

    Have fun sewing


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