

New Favorite Clothes!

Okay I am a sucker for cute, modest, affordable clothes! And I am always on the hunt for great new shops and places.

I recently found a great site called: DownEast Basics and I.Am.In.Love!

Now their clothes are a liiiiitle more than I normally spend but then again I love thrift stores and ross! They really are very reasonable and I am in love with the prices on their dresses.

Anyway check out a few cute things that are on my clothing wish list right now. {Hubby are you reading this?!? ;)}

I love their Cardigans! Perfect for Fall!

Find this piece HERE
Their skirts are so feminine and fun! And the Perfect length!
Find it HERE

My Favorite Skirt!
Find it HERE
And my current favorite piece..check out this dress! How fun!
I love the pink belt!
Find it HERE

And can you say fabulous for a more formal event?!

Find it HERE

And I think their new Fall line is coming out soon!!! Oooh *squeel*! Can't wait!
I need to go Fall clothing shopping..Oooh Hubby :)

Oh yeah. And I can't believe this. But I just found out that DownEast Basics has a store in the mall that I used to live by!! {In's the only one in California! What are the odds!} there are none by me. Oh well..I guess when I visit family I will have to take a little Mall trip!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Down East Basics. I have SO much of their stuff. They have the best t-shirts(wonder tee) and skirts. Every time a new catalog comes out I have to use large amounts of self control. :)


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