

Love Like Crazy

Okay I don't have a lot to blog about today..I'm busy editing photos for our Etsy Shop :) Items are going up this weekend! So excited.

Ayway I just wanted to share this video with you all today. I heard this song on the radio the other day driving home from work and I feel in love from the first verse. It's a country song so sorry all you non-country folks! But listen to it anyway! The words are wonderful...especially for all you who got married young!

Hubby and I are high school sweethearts and got married when I was 19...this song brings tears to my eyes! I ♥ it!

Happy Friday Everyone! Have a wonderful weekend and remember to Love Like Crazy!


Change your Blog Font *A Tutorial*

Do you like my new font? I'm still playing with it and not totally sure if I'll keep it like this. But for now I love it!

Do you want to learn how to do this also? It's REALLY easy!!

Okay step #1:
Go to {They also have GREAT free backgrounsd and all a bunch of other great tips!}

Step #2:
Click on the link in their toolbar that's labeled "Secrets"

Step #3:
Click on Secret #5: How to change font on your blog.

Step #4:
It then gives you 4 choices of different font's you can choose that are not defult in blogger. Follow the directions on that page and TaDa you have a new font!

Okay do you want to customize it even farther?! Alright alright.

You can use any font you want. Open up the widget that you saved the HTML in. Now this part is a little tricky if you are not used to playing with HTML. Good news is that if you mess it up then you can just recopy it and start over :)

Okay here is a small sample of the HTML. See the spots I HIGHLIGHTED with red? This is the name of the font. Choose a new font that you want. Say you want Monotype Corsiva {That's what I changed my to}. Go through each place that the defualt font is at {In this case "Lucinda Handwriting"} and replace it with your font name. Do not change anything else. Leave all the punctuation there.

Also notice the 13px highlighted in purple? This is the size of the font. Some fonts need to be bigger in order to read them. To make your font either bigger or smaller change this #. Do not change the PX..leave that there. Only change the number. For example I increased mine to 20.

This is what my new HTML looks like: Font changed to Monotype Corsiva and size increased to 20px.

These are just two small samples of the overall HTML. Replace the font name and size in each place it shows up in the HTML.

If you have any questions in this process let me know! :)
And if you sue this tutorial then let me know so I can go check it out on your blog! Good luck and happy blogging!!


College Hunting in Beautiful SoCal :)

Whew we had a fun but very busy weekend! My oldest brother Nick is a senior in high school this year and is getting ready to apply to colleges. So he came down to stay with us for the weekend and we took him college hunting.

We went to five different universities in the span of three days! Whew we were so tired after this weekend but we had a great time and now my brother has got a lot of decision making to do. Haha but we were glad we got to be part of the process.

He currently lives about 500 miles away from us so it was great to get to see him for the weekend!

We went to UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara and Cal Poly San Luis Obisbo.

Here are some pictures of the amazing campuses!!

 Up first: My personal favorite: UCLA!

Me in front of the coolest library ever!

Next we went to UC Irvine

This is Nick in front of just one of the engineering buildings! It was HUGE! That's him way at the bottom.
Doesn't he look like a natural?

Next up was UC San Diego.
Of course a beautiful campus that is within walking distance of the beach!
They have an awesome library!! And that's Hubby and I relaxing on campus :)

Fourth we went to Cal Poly but we didn't really get any photos from it.

And last we stopped by UC Santa Barbara...okay talk about a BEAUTIFUL campus!

We had a great weekend! And we are so proud of our brother. All of these schools are among the top in the Nation and he should have no problem getting into any of them! We are so proud!

And we are excited that he might be moving closer to us in a year!!! :) Yay!!

Anyone have any input or advice for him in this decision process? We would love to hear from alumni!! :)


My Summer is About to Begin!

I am feeling a little bit buried this week. We have had family staying with us for a couple weeks now with a few little breaks in between.

This weekend we went to five Universities. We had the opportunity to take my little brother who is a senior in high school this year to check out where he wants to go. It was a great weekend but VERY busy. {Photos will be posted later}

I have two comprehensive final tests for my business classes this week. And let's just say I really need to finish strong!  They are going to take a lot of studying this week.

I'm trying not to whine..I'm really not! But it will all be over this weekend. And I am relieved.

My summer is about to finally begin. about to begin in August! BUT we will have the entire month of August to hang out work on my sewing and our Etsy shop {which is still coming...just been super busy :(}

So what is coming up for our summer:
1. Relaxing time. Time to read, relax, go to the pool, read some more, play with my sewing machine, watching movies, relaxing...Mmmh sounds great!
2. Gym time. Lots of gym time. We are getting into shape!!
3. Our sister and brother are moving down to where we live at the end of August! It's going to be a great year!
4. Our sister is moving in with us!! College is sooo expensive now {epically in California!} and everything that she was stressing a bit about the cost. So we offered for her to move in with us for the school year and we are so excited that she is! She was my maid of honor and I am SO excited to be living with her. {She's technically my Sis-In-Law but not really! ;)}

I don't go back to school until September 7th so I am looking forward to my month long summer! Woohoo!


Wedding Consulting

I dearly love Weddings. I love everything about weddings!

I adore dress shopping. I love the beautiful old traditions such as wearing a white dress and the father handing his daughter off. But I also love the new fun ideas such as mixing sand together instead of a unity candle.

I love the countless hours spent searching for the perfect invitation that will tie your entire theme together. I love hunting for those perfect table centerpieces to match your Gerbera Daisy theme or your SeaShell Beach theme.

I have always loved weddings and I had a blast planning my own wedding over a year ago. I planned it by myself {meaning without a coordinator...I of course had lots of help from friends and family} in 7 months and loved every single minute of it.

Two years ago I took five wedding planning courses. It was a wonderful time and I cherish all that I learned from those courses. All that I learned really came in handy when planning my own wedding. During the process I half wondered if my love of all things wedding would decrease after my big day was done.

But no. I still am in love with weddings. I love going to a bridal store and watching a friend try on dresses for hours! I love finding themes that fit together and that special something that is going to make the day!

Now remember those five courses I did? Well all that I had left to get my wedding consultant certificate was a comprehensive final test and project. I have been working on my bachelors degree and busy getting married myself so my wedding consultant program was far from my mind.

But my Mother-In-Law put the bug back in my ear. She urged me to finish the program and get my certification. Hm...this is not a bad idea. I will be graduating college in May and as many of you know I have actively been looking for a way to make some money from home once we have little ones {which still won't be for a few more years..according to our plan..but you never know what God's got up His sleeve ;)}.

So I am thinking about finishing up my certification. I don't know if I could do it before May but it is a bug in my ear know. Thanks Mom :)

Do you have experience as a wedding consultant? Any advice for a novice like me?!? :)


Make your own Light box for under $10

Have you ever tried to take photos of close up small objects and the lighting never comes out right? I have been selling stuff on Ebay for years and now I'm about to launch an Etsy site. And I have always had trouble getting the lighting right on photos!

I never have time during the day to take photos out in natural light.
 If I use the flash on close up photos then the picture comes out as one big flash. 
And if I don't use flash then the photo is too dark and blurry. 

Well I have discovered the perfect solution to this problem!It's called a light box. You can buy light boxes and light tents at photography stores but they can easily run you $100 or more! So because I'm frugal I set out to make my own. And as it turns's quick, simple, and cheap to make your own light box!

The photos end up looking so professional:

Go HERE to check out the tutorial on my other blog: Sister's Sweet Creations that I do with my sisters ♥


Intentionally Living...My Daily Scripture Reading

Welcome to post #6 in my series on Intentionally Living. If this is your first time on my blog or this series then head over HERE to check out my 2010 Word of the Year: Intentional.

Be Intentional. In all things.

This week's Intentionally Living Statement:

I am going to be intentional about daily scripture reading. It is the most important part of my day and should not be skipped.

While this next part of the series was random on my part and simply the next in line to be written about, it is not random at all.

I decided today that I hadn't written a good post with substance in a while so I thought I'd do the next in the series on Intentionally Living. I pulled up my mission statements for the year and guess which one was next? Being intentional about Bible Reading.

Okay God...I get the message!

This was surly God's timing. Hubby and I have been struggling this year finding the time to read. I won't bore you with our school load and working full time. We are very busy this year. But that's not the point. The point is no matter how busy we get, our bible reading should be top priority to get done each day.

Yet when things get busy this is the first thing that often gets dropped. We have been on and off again reading and doing a Bible study together and also our own reading and bible study this year.

And the reason I am so amazed by God's timing today is that a week and a half ago Hubby and I started an intense Bible reading program.

We are reading the Bible in 90 Days. Go here to check out the schedule for yourself.
Go HERE to see the post I wrote about the 90 Day Challenge and get more info about it. I wrote that post in January when I first was going to do the 90 day challenge. Unfortunately I started it late and never was able to catch up. I ended up quitting.

And back in January I was frustrated with my daily scripture reading. And now it's July! Am I any better at it? A Little. But not really.

Now doing this post has re-motivated me. Last night Hubby and I were both feeling a little down about this commitment. We had to read between 10-20 chapters a night which can feel really long when you are reading in Leviticus! ;)

It's a big commitment but so worth it. God has re-motivated me today and given me the encouragement to keep going! When we pray and ask God for wisdom and encouragement he imparts it.

Daily Bible Reading is so vital to the life of the believer.

It makes your convictions stronger.
God's sovereignty becomes so much clearer.
The Old Testament comes alive in ways it never has before.
You get to see the story of God's people from creation until the early church.
God's love and promises scream out from the text.
Jesus' love for His people becomes crystal clear when you see the story of his life, death and resurrection illustrated from Genesis clear through Revelation.
Your Commitment to follow him in all ways solidifies.
You  begin to see the big picture. God's Kingdom Glorified!
It makes you want to shout and praise Him.

God's glorify is fully manifested within his words. Within his Holy Infallible Scripture breathed through men to us. Amazing!

Are you struggling today with finding the time? Do you feel like there just simply isn't enough time in the day? Do you have every good intention to read and when the time comes you simply don't have time or are too tired to read?

Then I ask you today to challenge yourself! Bring this issue to God and earnestly seek to make this a daily commitment! Do you plan to do it each night and then find yourself falling into bed too tired? Then plan to do your reading first thing in the morning! Kick dear Hubby and have him hold you accountable. Do it with dear Hubby! Read with your kids over breakfast.

Find the right time that works for you. And do it  every day. After a while this will become habit and before you know it it won't even be a struggle!

When do you find the time to read? What are your routines? Do you have any encouragement to share to those struggling to find the time?


Sister's Sweet Creations-New Photos!

For those of you who don't know my sister's and I are launching our very own Etsy shop....soon! We have all been far busier this summer than we intended but we are getting ever closer to opening and I am very excited!

So tonight I decided to take some photos of our first accessories collection and give you all a sneak peak. We posted pictures on Sister's Sweet Creations blog and our facebook. I would love if you check it out and I'll *hopefully* be posting more pictures tomorrow :)

Thanks for looking! 

You can get to our blog HERE

You can get to our facebook page HERE


Resolved 2010

I posted last week about how we got the opportunity to go to a conference in Palm Springs last weekend. Well I finally got the pictures from my Sister so I thought I would share them.

The conference was hosted by Grace Community Church and the weekend was amazing. We had fabulous speakers and we all felt so convicted. But I wrote about all this last week. So now I'll just share the pictures :)

Unfortunately not all of our family was able to go with us. But Hubby and I went, my sister-in-law Sienna, Sister-in-law Shelise and Father-in-law J.P. went. We had so much fun. It was great to spend such a large amount of time with them :) We currently live about 500 miles from them :(

Okay check out our Bathing Suits!!! :D
Bathing suits are something that I have hated all my life. Even when I was younger and didn't have a conviction about dressing modestly...I still hated them!
Well my sisters and I have found a wonderful, cute, & modest solution! We got all of our bathing suits from It is a wonderful bathing suit shop that sells affordable modest bathing suits!

And last: The Speakers!
We had a wonderful line up of speakers this year!
John Rourke (Grace Pastor)
Rick Holland (Grace Pastor)
John MacArthur (Grace Lead Pastor & "Prince of Preachers" ;)
Al Mohler (President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Steve Lawson (Pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church)
C.J. Mahaney (Leader of Sovereign Grace Ministries; Formerly Josh Harris' lead pastor) 

It was an amazing weekend and if you ever have the chance to hear any of these men preach then do it! They are amazing and God has filled them with the Spirit for teaching!


Tuesday Tag-Along *Meet New Friends*

Since Friday Follow ended a couple months ago I have been looking for a good way to meet new bloggers. And I think I found it :)

It's called Tuesday Tag-Along and is hosted by Twee Poppets this week.

Tuesday Tag-Along

I love friend making days like this because I always love meeting new bloggers! While it is always great to get more followers I really love these link ups for all the great new friends I make :) Many of my favorite blogs were found through Friday Follow and I'm excited to find new friends today.

If you like my blog then please follow me :) I love new followers and I'm sure you do to. So if you follow me then leave me a comment and I'll make sure to then head over to your page. If you don't like my blog then no hard feelings, move on to the next blog :)

So you want to participate in this blog hop?
1. Head over HERE.
2. Blog about this great Tag-Along
3. Link Up
4. Start Making some new Friends!! :)

Okay so now get to know me:
1. Head over to my About Me page to learn more
2. Read my 2010 Word of the Year to see my goals for this year
3. Check out my Wedding Photos...just 'cuz it's fun ;)

Let me know you stopped by :) I can't wait to meet some new friends today!!