

Love Like Crazy

Okay I don't have a lot to blog about today..I'm busy editing photos for our Etsy Shop :) Items are going up this weekend! So excited.

Ayway I just wanted to share this video with you all today. I heard this song on the radio the other day driving home from work and I feel in love from the first verse. It's a country song so sorry all you non-country folks! But listen to it anyway! The words are wonderful...especially for all you who got married young!

Hubby and I are high school sweethearts and got married when I was 19...this song brings tears to my eyes! I ♥ it!

Happy Friday Everyone! Have a wonderful weekend and remember to Love Like Crazy!


  1. Happy photo editing :-) Hope you have a wonderful weekend full of good things!

  2. Looking forward to seeing all of your photos! Have fun editing :)
    I love fun married couples as I think it's something so many people take for granted. My hubs and I are still honeymooners after 9 years- LOVE IT!!
    Cheers to finding your soulmate!!

    Shopper Gal

  3. Hey! You got your Etsy shop photos up!! Yay!!! I can't wait to look it all over, but right now, I just wanted to say, 1) I'm sorry because I forgot to post your award! 2) You aren't going to believe this (well, maybe you will:), but it was 6!!!months ago that you gave it to me:o and 3)I am finally posting it!
    No, I can't believe it either. So sorry. But thank you!! And, congratulations on your Etsy shop!!

  4. Ok, I couldn't wait. I had to go over and look at everything right away, even though it's getting late. I love everything. James, you'd better be ready to be very busy making more, cuz everything's so cute, and your prices are perfect--you're going to sell out, is my prediction! (I'm sitting here trying to figure out who to give one to first:)
    Congrats, again!


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