

Friday Follow!

Oh my oh my oh my! Today is favorite day of the week! Not only is it the end of the workweek, the night my hubby and I do nothing but relax, but it's also the day that we make new friends! And I love making new friends!

I do not want this to sound rude...but please only follow me if you actually like my blog! I know..crazy!! ;) lol. I know that getting followers if great {And I love that! Dont'get me wrong} but I really want to meet some great new friends today! So take a minute...check out my blog and if you like what you see then please feel free to follow me and I'll follow you back! ;)

So Hi :) I'm Jami. Nice to meet you! Take a minute and get to know me!

A Few places to get to know me:
Check out my About Me page HERE

Check out my 2010 Word of the Year HERE

Check out our Wedding Photos HERE

I can't wait to make some new friends today! Let me know you were here and I'll check out your blog! And welcome new friends who arn't from Friday Follow!

Friday Follow
Have a great Friday
Check out my plans for this weekend HERE and tell me what you are up to this beautiful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! You're still alive! I've been praying for you:) When do you move? How did graduation go? I can't keep track of when you're making the next change--what can I pray for this week?
    I'm excited because we're going to celebrate our anniversary early, and we're going overnight to a nice hotel suite and have their brunch tomorrow! Also, exciting (to me)--tonight we're buying new faucets and towel bars, etc. for our master bath! Yay! We got a sink at an auction earlier this week. We're looking for carpet. I love redecorating!
    Hope you're having a great week, James!
    Faith's Firm Foundation


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