

Anniversary Weekend Getaway!!

Our first year anniversary is coming up in a few short days!!!! On May 17, 2010 we will have been married for a year already!

Wow!! So in celebration we are heading to Palm Springs for the weekend and we are very excited!! This will be our first weekend getaway like this that wasn't to see family. Don't get me wrong...we love visiting our family but it is not

We are staying in a great little villa and it is supposed to be 96 degrees!! woohoo! We are spending most of Saturday by the pool with a smoothie reading some great books.

And because we booked this kinda of late I was able to find some GREAT last minute deals and found this great little villa.

Look how cute our room is!!

And I am scared to death of this but also kinda of excited. We are going to take the famous tram in Palm Springs that rises 2 1/2 miles up the side of the mountain!! Yikes! I am so afraid of heights..but I know Hubby will love it!

I am very excited for our little trip! We will be leaving tonight after work and I couldn't be more excited for this little mini vacation. We have been so busy lately with finals, graduation and moving that it will be such a nice break to do nothing but relax all weekend! Know I just gotta get through the work day ;)

Happy Friday everyone! What are you doing this beautiful weekend?


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