

Intentionally Living...My Attitude

Okay after a longer break that I anticipated here is the second post in my Intentionally Living series.

If you’re new to my blog then head up to my menu bar and check out my 2010 Word of the Year post or click HERE to see it. For 2010 I decided that my word for the year would be Intentional. I am going to be Intentional about living out my faith, my love and my life.

So far I have 12 statements that about how I am going to Live Intentionally this year. The first was on living as a godly wife. Click HERE to view that post.

My second statement for this year is…
I am going to be intentional about being in a good mood whenever I'm at home.

This is the perfect one for me to writing on this week. I have been in a funky mood all week. You know sometimes when you just get in a funk and can’t seem to get out of it? It happens to be everyone once in a while and I hate it!

Anyway…this is a big one for me. I’m not a too terribly moody person. However my frustration with things often gets taken out of my poor innocent Hubby.

When I’m having a bad day I don’t often let many people in on that. At work and class I may seem tired but I seldom let on that I’m just in a stinky mood. Which is good..I shouldn’t take it out on anyone! Lol

But then I get home and I’ve covered my bad mood (I’m sleepy, I’m hungry, I’m sick, I got a bad grade, I feel embarrassed about something…whatever that bad mood may be) all day from everyone and I get with my Hubby and don’t want to cover it anymore. So even though I’m not mad at him in any way it ends up getting taken out on him.

And sometimes it’s not even that I get mad at him it’s just that he’s all happy to see me and I’m in a depressed mood. This is not fair to him!!!

Now this may seem like I do it allll the time, I don’t! Only once in a while…but even that is not God honoring and is not fair to him! My Hubby is a very happy guy and can let things roll right off his back. So no matter what kind of day he has had…he picks me up from work and he’s the happiest guy just to be with me.

Can I share something with you? This has been one of the biggest sin areas in my life when it comes to mine and my Hubby’s relationship. I struggle with having the right response to him when I’m angry. 99.9% of the time he is not even the source of my anger…he’s simply there…wrong place at the wrong time kinda thing.

So the past few years I have been very aware that I do this and have really been trying to change. Some days are much better than others. Some weeks are better than others. But with God’s grace I have noticed my attitude has been changing. And looking back 2 or 3 years ago my attitude has drastically changed.

On days when I’m not responding in the most godly way, God always somehow reminds me of these Bible verses on how to respond in a godly manner.

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.” Ephesians 4:31

ALL! Let All bitterness. Wrath. Anger. Clamor. And Slander. Put it all away…don’t let any of it sneak out!

“and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure…” Titus 2:4

We are to be self controlled in all things. INCLUDING our moods! As wives we need to live self controlled lives.

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3

This passage is particularly important to me and consequently very convicting. We are to walk in all ways in the calling to which we have been called.

So this year I am going to be even more Intentional about being in a good mood whenever I’m at home. This doesn’t mean that I will put on a smiley face and be “fake” around my husband. I will simply make sure that I don’t let my mood get the better of me and ruin the precious time spent with my hubby. And when I can articulate my feelings in a more calm manner than it’s easier for my husband to comfort me and get me talking about what’s eating me up (which even I don’t always know what that is until I start talking it through.

Do you struggle with this sometimes? I’m sure it must be even harder for you Mothers!! How do you all handle your mood?

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Jami's back :-) Good to hear your thoughts this morning girl! So good to be reminded of. You're right, why do we give our poor husbands the brunt of our ugliness? I think it's great to intentionally redeem the few hours that you have together everyday and sort of claim them for goodness.- I'm going to keep this in mind today! I have learned through the years (although I don't always do it), that one of the best things for me, when I catch myself in a less-than-stellar attitude, is to go take a shower or bath with some candles on and just spend some time praying and breathing and relaxing and being thankful for what I have. Really helps detox whatever funk has gotten into me! DH knows to applaud (even suggest sometimes) my little bathtime escapes - b/c it equals a happier wife! Hope you had a great weekend. Tell me about what you did...


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