

Friend Making Monday!

I keep seeing people doing this Friend Making Monday so I popped over to see what it was and decided to partake!

I love this idea because I love getting to know new bloggers! And it's hard to find new people sometime...and even when you pop over to someone's page you may not know right away if you two will get along.
So with Friend Making Monday there are different questions each week you fill out so that when you pop on over to other blogs you have a fun way to get to know them a little bit! I'm excited to find some new friends today!!

Here Goes:
1. Favorite things about Spring: I loathe cold weather and so my favorite thing about Spring is all the nice beautiful warm weather that's coming out again! I love the feeling right after a rainy season to step outside into the bright warm sunlight :D

2. What I'm doing for Spring Break: My Mom and two of my brothers are driving down to come stay with us for half of the week! We are gonna have so much fun. We are going to Universal Studios one day and the rest...I'm not sure yet. But I'm excited! Then the second half of Spring break will be homework, homework, homework, focusing on Jesus, and then some more homework.

3. Favorite Spring flower: My favorite Spring fower is for sure the gerbera daisy!!! It is my ultimate favorite flower and the theme of my wedding :D
4. Do you have a garden? No :( Unfortunitly right now we live in an apartment and there is no place for a garden...aaaw but some day! :)

5. If so, what do you grow. I would grow everything!!!

6. Do you do Spring cleaning? Oh yes oh yes of yes. Actually I am in the middle of it right now. I gotta get my house all clean for my messy brothers to come mess it up ;) I actually enjoy it..well not in the middle of but at the end I feel so relaxed to have my house clean.

7. What is your weather *really* like right now? {Just b/c it's "officially" spring, doesn't mean that it feels like it for some of you} Oh our weather is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I live in sunny Southern California and the weather is amazing!!!! It's a little overcast right now but this week has been amazing!

8. Snapped any weather related photos lately? Share one with us! No! I've been stuck inside while this amazing weather is going on outside!! I gotta grab my camera and head outside!

9. What's your favorite thing to do on a sunny afternoon? Grab a great book and head out to our porch and sit in the warm sun reading :)

10. Favorite TV show right now? DEXTER! Haha it is a great show!! I love that it has moved to regular channel though. While it is a great show with great content, there is just WAY too much nudity and swearing. WAY too much!!!!! But know it is off of showtime :)

I can't wait to get to know you all better! Visit my About Me page up in my menu bar to get to know me even more. I'm excited to make some new friends today!

Do you want to join in on the fun? Then head over to meet Amber HERE. Isn't her blog just adorable!?!?

Have a wonderful Spring Day!


  1. cute blog, cute couple you two are!

    stopping by from FMM :)

    The buzz, Brandy

  2. Oh how I wish we had beautiful sun all the time! :) Enjoy your time with family, sounds like fun! Happy FMM :)


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