

Thankful Thursday #7

Welcome to the first thankful Thursday of the new year!! And in light of the new year my thankful Thursday is going to be a little different. I am going to show a few things I am thankful for in 2009!

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Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

1) I am of course thankful in 2009 for being able to marry my amazing and wonderful man :D Our wedding was THE best wedding I could have ever asked for!!! This leads to # 2...

2) I am thankful for my wonderful Mommy who paid for our entire wedding! She was so amazing and wonderful and helpful throughout the entire process and she gave us the most wonderful wedding we could have ever asked for! She let me plan what I wanted and didn't try and have it her way. She was wonderful and our wedding day would not have been the same without her!!!!!

3) I am thankful for my Mom's boyfriend, Pliny. His wedding present to us what a honeymoon in Hawaii!!! This also would not have been possible for us without him. Hawaii was THE best vacation EVER and an amazing way to start off your marriage! I am so thankful for Pliny and his generosity!!!

4) I am thankful for school! Yes I said it. And yes I am a nerd!!! This past year I really started discovering what I want to teach (I eventually want to teach college). Aaaand I learned that I have enough time to add a double Major!! Woohoo!! So this semester I am adding on History as a double major to Biblical studies. I'm very excited to start my history classes...4 more days :D

5)I am thankful for the great place that I work. This past year I really got to know some of the people that I work with and let me tell you, they are amazing people! I have had so much fun settling into a job that is in a Christian environment. You walk past people's desks and hear worship music playing! Woah! And you see scripture allll over. We have Christmas parties and prayer and a feeling of warmth. It's an amazing place to work and I am so thankful for God placing me where he has. Now only to get that promotion once I graduate ;)

2009 was a big year for me! One which I will never forget. Many changes took place and exciting things happened. I cannot wait to see what 2010 will have in store for me! As usual, thanks for stopping by!

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