

90 Day Challenge!!

2010 is here and that means some changes! One thing that I have majorly been slacking on lately is Bible reading! I've had times when I am super on top of daily reading and times when I'm uhhh less than perfect. Now is one of those times. Daily reading is something for me that when I get out of the habit of it, it becomes so easy to stay away for a while. I forget about it.

Well a few posts ago I said that I was going to start off the new year by being devoted once again to my daily bible reading! Being in God's word every day is so essential to walking this straight and narrow path that God has called us to. I know that when I am in His word every day and really pondering what He has to teach me then I am so much quicker had having a godly response when something happens. My mouth, my actions and my thoughts all become more aligned with his teachings.

So I have decided to take the 90 day challenge! Sounds impressive doesn't it? I am going to read through the Bible in 90 days. I have read the whole Bible before but never straight through. and I feel like this mega dose of daily bible reading will kick me into shape for the rest of the year! This will be a bit of a challenge since I am starting Spring semester next Monday but reading God's word daily is far too important to let busy life get in the way.

So will you join me?!?

You can head over to the main site here to find out more and you can actually buy the official "The Bible in 90 Days" but any Bible will do. I am preferring to opt out of buying it (It's NIV) and use either NASB or ESV...haven't decided yet. Mom's Toolbox is the sponsor behind this and has the 90 day reading schedule, found here.

I know I'm a few days late on this but don't let 6 days stop you from reading God's word. You also don't have to start on January 1st. Pick any day and make that day #1. So many people try and follow God's word and yet have never read most of the books contained in the Bible. There is something amazing about taking the Old Testament narratives, poems, and wisdom and seeing them in light of Christ's coming, teachings, and death. I want to encourage each of you to dive into daily reading. I'm going to right now :D

Be Intentional about your daily scripture reading.

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