

Boots, Boots, Boots!!

Wow! I have been obsessed with boots lately!! Seriously, I love them! Can't get enough of them!!

So for my Birthday my Mom and I went shopping and she got me these amazing leather light brown boots that are very tall and very elegant!! I love them!

Well when we get home from our vacation up North I had my present from my Grandma in the mail. So I go on the hunt for something to get. Can you guess what I found to get with her birthday money? YOU GUESSED IT!!! Boots hehe ;)

I found these on Alloy and LOVED them. One can never have too many boots. AND they were on sale AND I had a coupon!! These amazing boots were only $20! :D

Anyway, just wanted to share my great find! Thank you soo much Grandma! :D
I ordered them yesterday, can't wait to get them!!!

1 comment:

  1. so i pretty much have these same exact boots, but they are more tan colored. got em at k-mart ;)


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