

I won!!

I won the Apron giveaway hosted by Sarah Mae over at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee and I am soo excited!! :D I posted about this giveaway the other can find it HERE.

The apron I won if from Flirty Aprons. Make sure to head over there and check them out. They have some great, flirty aprons! And for a great price!!

So now all I have to do is pick which one I should get. I'm deciding between these two:

Which one do you like better?!

Thanks, hope you all have a Great Friday and a wonderful relaxing weekend :D


  1. Hi,
    Just stopping by to return the Follow Friday favor...
    And I like the bottom apron (the black, white, and red one)

  2. You are sooo lucky, I love the chic pink! Thanks for the FF, following back! Can't wait to see the new design.

  3. I wanted to win that apron. But Congrats. I like the pink one even if the bow seems iffy in a kitchen.

    Thanks for following. I'm following you now.

  4. I love the pink one! I want it. I want it.

    What a great blog. I am looking forward to visiting more often. Stopping by through Friday Follow. I hope you will stop by and follow me too.

  5. I like the pink one, too.

  6. I totally love the pink one!!! thanks for checking out my blog on friday! Glad to follow you!


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