

Coming Soon!

New Blog Design

Yes, I know..finally right!? it is the end of January and I still have Merry Christmas in my Header! YIKES! You can now shun me... ;)

I have been so very busy this month. I had planned that over Christmas break to make a new design but alas that didn't happen. Haha.

But I am almoooost done with a new one and I am excited to put it up! I think it is my best one yet..not that I've done very many.

I am still so new to this whole designing thing but I Love it so far! I made this Christmas one and also all the designs on my Wedding photos page.

Go check it out if you haven't already.

I've still got a few things to do, including tweaking the menu-nav bar still (what a headache) but I'm nearly done!

Check back this weekend for my new design. It will should be up by Sunday :D
Here's a sneak peak:


  1. Hi there!! So glad that you visited my blog! Can't wait to see you new blog design. I'd be in trouble if I had any idea how to do that because it would take up all my time!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!! God bless you!

  2. Oooo, nice sneak peak! Can't wait to see the new stuff! Oh, and I like the pink apron in the prior post, lol.
    OH! And I'm here from follow friday.....thanks for visiting me!

  3. Hey, some people around here leave their christmas lights up all year long. hehe!

  4. Hi - following you back from Friday Follow! Thanks for coming to my blog. :)

  5. Designing your own blog is fun. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Thanks for the follow, following back. :)

  6. found your blog at friday is cute, and i can't wait to see your new design!

    have a great weekend

  7. Can't wait to see it!!!

    New follower from "Friday Follow"! I'd love for you to come visit me!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Dealightfully FrugalJanuary 29, 2010 at 7:31 PM

    Thanks for stopping by from Friday Follow. I am now following you.

  9. Thanks for the follow....Happy Friday Follow! Be back later to actually read more.


  10. I'm looking forward to seeing the new layout. Following you from the Friday Follow. Hi there, following you from follow friday. Hope you'll follow me as well.

  11. Thanks for linking up at Friday Follow! It’s such a grand day to meet you, so here I am...your newest blog follower. Happy weekend!

    ~ Lynn

    p.s. Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

    p.s.s. I like your new design already.

  12. Cant wait to see your new layout!

  13. Following from Friday Follow. Love your graphics on here! heather @

  14. Hi! I'm here from Friday Follow...on Saturday! Even if it's January, this blog design is really cute!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  15. Your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by Sweet Harper!

  16. Can't wait to see it. Happy Friday Follow - Rita @

  17. sharingthepagesoflifeJanuary 31, 2010 at 6:59 PM

    Following you back from FF!! I am so excited to read more from you..and to see your new design. Would you be willing to tell me how you got into blog design? =)

  18. Well thank you :D

    Haha well back in the day I had a myspace and always played around with the HTML and when I got a blog a few months back I decided to try my hand at HTML again and do my own blog design. It has been a rapid learning process ever since.

    I didn't really learn it, it's more like a fail and fail again process of learning haha.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :D


Thanks for visiting my blog! If this is your first time here then let me know! I love comments and I always love hearing from my readers. If you would like to contact me via email my email is jamibalmet(at)hotmail(.)com.