

Thankful Thursday #9

It's Thankful Thursday time! I love Thankful Thursday it really helps kick my thoughts into the right place!

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

Sadly, for us..not for her :), our host Truth 4 the Journey has taken a sabbatical to do some publishing. And I cannot figure out where to hook up to Mr. Linky so let me know if you know!! So for now I will just be posting these unconnected. And you can still grab the bottom on her page.

This week I am thankful for:

1) Coffee! It warms me up and wakes me up!

2)My ancient World Civilizations Professor! He is amazing!!

3)My Mommy gave is letting me barrow her sewing machine ;)

4)A creative outlet for me to be able to use during the week. i.e. BLOGGING :D

5)College Home group tonight!!! Bible Study, friends and FUN!!!!

Have a wonderful Thursday, Friday, and WEEKEND!!!


  1. Stopping by to say hi from Friday Follow! I am a follower of yours now! ;-)

    Don't forget to stop by for more Follow Me Friday Fun at the Trendy Treehouse

  2. Hi, Nice to meet you :). Thank you for stopping by!!

    I'm your follower now to :D Have a great Friday!

  3. Hello! I'm following from Friday Follow! Please come visit me! Have a great Friday! Thanks!

  4. I think I just wrote you before knowing you already follow my blog! Thanks for stopping by! To funny!


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