

The Simple Women's Daybook #7

FOR TODAY...January 4th

Outside my window...It is a beautiful SoCal Sunny winter day!

I am thinking...How I have missed blogging the past two weeks!

I am thankful for...My cute hubby and how he takes care of me when I'm not feeling well!

From the kitchen...a new Chicken cow mien recipe tonight! Yuuum

I am wearing...White jacket, my NEW $4.80 brown dress, white stockings, and brown flats.

I am creating...A new blog design...slow going.

I am wal-mart tonight to get new contacts! woohoo! lol

I am reading...In the Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce. I read these books when I was in middle school and my hubby surprised me with them for my birthday :D

I am hoping...To have a great weekend relaxing with my hubby before the next busy semester starts on Monday.

I am hearing...Lots of typing

Around the house...Is clean!!! I stayed home sick yesterday from work but started feeling a little better in the afternoon and actually got unpacked from our vacation and cleaned up a bit! No more Christmas decorations!!

One of my favorite things...Lemon Cream Cheese Muffins..I just went to get one but unfortunately our coffee house is closed :(

A few plans for the rest of the week...relaxing, relaxing, relaxing...oh and more blogging of course ;)

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...More on being intentional later... :D

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