

Christmas Pictures

I am taking a little break from writing my research paper to share some lovely Christmas pictures with you.

We went up to Apple Hill with the Hubby's family to have some fun getting apples and to drink yummy apple cider. We decided while we were up there to swing by the High Sierra Iris and Wedding Gardens to take some Christmas card pictures. This is where we got married and it was so fun to go up there again! The gardens were beautiful in the fall and our pictures turned out great!! Enjoy :D

By the way I said in the previous blog that I am so thankful that my Hubby is patient with me when taking is a GREAT example of

Jason with little brother Joren. So cute!
Me with Joren
Our Bridal Party pictures were taken in front of this pond. I Love this picture!

Jason looks so Handsome in this picture!

Beautiful Background!

The spot where we became Husband and Wife ♥

Cute little tables that were set out!
Later that day we took some pictures outside his house
The Beautiful Shelise was our photographer!!! Thanks Shel!!! ♥


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