

Thankful Thursday # 5

Today's Thankful Thursday will be focused on my wonderful Husband because it is his birthday today :D

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

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So Today is my wonderful Hubby's Birthday! I am so excited to celebrate with him but unfortunately we will not be celebrating very much tonight. I have a 30 page research paper due at midnight and he has piles of math homework to sort through then we have Bible Study at so we will be celebrating tomorrow!


1) I am so thankful that God brought my Hubby into my life when he did. We were young (and still are) but God knew what we both needed and when we needed it. God has been amazing. People always seem amazed that we are married so young, but for us it was God's timing. I could not image not being married to my Man right now. God's is Good :D

*At our Rehearsal, he looks so Handsome :)*

2) I am thankful for my hubby who is always willing to take pictures! As you can probably tell we take a LOT of pictures! I absolutely love pictures!!! I do all kinds of things with them and have to take a picture everywhere we go. I am so lucky that I have a man who doesn't mind it! In fact most of the time he loves the pictures to...just not when we spend a long time taking them hehe ;)

*One of our Engagement Pictures*

3)I am so thankful for my husband that he always wants to spend time with me. He is so amazing at making time to spend with me. We both have a crazy busy schedule right now (especially him working FULL time and taking a FULL unit load at school) but he ALWAYS has the time to sit on the couch with me and just touch. He is verrry good at giving me his time and attention. Thank you :D

*At his family's house having fun riding the horses*
4)I am thankful for how Smart my Hubby is. He is a math major and is totally science and math oriented BUT he is also good at literally everything else!! lol he is great at languages, spelling, grammar, history, writing name it! My husband is soo smart and I love having that resource at home that I can pick his brain anytime I want! And just to brag for a minute..a few weeks ago we found out that Jason is graduating with honors! He is graduating in the 10% of his class. I'm SO PROUD of him :D

*Jason with his brother Jean-Marc (Best Man) and best friend Jeremy*

5) And finally and most importantly I am thankful for Jason's heart. He is truly a man of God and does an amazing job at being the spiritual leader in our relationship. He is trying to follow after God with all his heart and encourages me to do the same. God has given us both the strength to follow after him and I thank God for this perseverance!

*My Hubby..right before our Wedding*

AAw!! How cute is he?!?
*In the airport leaving for our honeymoon to Hawaii :)*
*A beautiful picture taken by Dom, thank you*

Happy Birthday Baby!
I Love you so much!!

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