

The Simple Women's Daybook #5

Again I am a day late on this...Monday are busy for me I guess. But here it is.
As always if you want to participate you can head over here and follow the directions!

FOR TODAY December 15th...

Outside my window...The sun is shining!

I am wonderful these cinnomon candies are!

I am thankful for...Teh Hubyy's physic class working out. We almost hit a snag with him graduating...he would have had to postpone it by a YEAR! ouch! Praise the Lord :D

From the learning rooms...Lots and lots of Hebrew. Final tomorrow!

From the kitchen...I have been a horrible wife the past couple weeks when it comes to cooking. Soo busy! Although I did make a yummy stir fry the other night. Yuumm!

I am wearing...My super cute black boots that I want to wear every single day ;), black pants, pink shirt and black jacket.

I am creating...Not much at the's finals week! lol

I am going...To a Relient K/Toby Mac concert on Saturday for the Hubby's Bday!!

I am reading...The First Hebrew Primer..hehe

I am get the rest of our Christmas cards out tomorrow...we'll see!

I am hearing...Someone in the house playing Christmas music... :D

Around the house...Is clean!!! I cleaned a LOT it's all pretty and ready for Christmas!

One of my favorite things...Working in a Christian Enviornment. We had a Christmas party this morning and we actually read scripture and focused on the actual meaning of Christmas!

A few plans for the rest of the week: The rest of finals!!! Then a concernt on Satruday, then dinner at the boss's house Sunday and then finally relaxation time!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

It snowed back home this last week!! Look how pretty! Wish I was home then (although they lost power for 4 days! Not fun!) But wishing for a white Christmas!

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