Are you Ready for Christmas?

Simple Women's Daybok # 6

Thankful Thursday # 6
Thankful Thursday! Soo in case you weren't aware, today is Monday. I am a litttle behind on my blogging this week. It was finals week last week and with Christmas coming up, and we had THE busiest weekend...anyway I'm going to get back on top of blogging! :D
So in light of the end of the semester I am going to say the things I am thankful for this past semester.
1) I am so thankful for my Hebrew professor. I was soo nervous about taking Hebrew. I mean, it's a crazzzy looking language. So completely different than English. However I had the most amazing professor! He lived in Jerusalem for 20 years, he really knows his stuff! Hebrew quickly became my favorite class this semester and I am so thankful for amazing professors!
2)I am thankful for my Ancient Near Eastern History professor. okay well actually my Hebrew prof and history prof are actually one in the same. But I had to mention him twice because he is one of my favorite prof's I've ever had. This class was particularly important to me because I am looking at getting my Master's in Ancient Near Eastern History. This was a tough class but totally worth it! I loved every minute of it!
3) I am thankful for how much my Hubby did this semester! In case you haven't heard, he worked full time and had a full load of units (17 units to be exact!!). I am sooo proud of him! He is providing for us and also working his butt off to finish his degree!!! All the while he is maintaining an excellent GPA...he is graduating in May with honors!! (In fact he is in the top 10% of his class!!! :D So proud of him). And next semester he is taking on even more, 19 units on top of full time work. He will be tired, but I am soooo very proud of him. And the end is NEAR!!! :D
4) I am thankful for my Old Testament Theology & Life and Teachings of Jesus Professor. He is a fantastic professor and while the classes were hard I felt like I really learned a lot! I especially LOVED Old Testament Theology. I feel like a much better writer from taking his courses. Thank You :D
5) And lastly I am thankful for what is up ahead. I LOVE history but I also love Biblical studies. When I began my degree I thought I only had time to major in one of those. so I picked Biblical studies. Well I found out this semester that on top of graduating a year ahead of schedule I also have time to add a history double major!! I am SOO excited. I have no clue how I got everything done to early but I'm very excited. I start my history major in the Spring and I'm soo stoked!!! Thank you Lord for making this happen!
What are you thankful about this semester? Have any particularly good classes or professors?
It's Friday!!
While finals just finished this week, during the semester Friday night is the night we don't do ANY homework. Every other night we are, but Friday is our night to just relax and bond.
And that's tonight!!
It has been a brutal finals week...now time to relax!!!
Anyone else obsessed with it to?
So new changes happening soon now that school's done!
*sigh* Maybe for Christmas...next year!
Any fun Friday night dates?
It's gonna be a GREAT night!!
Advent Calendar
I started making one for myself and decided to make one for the In-Laws..I gave theirs to them over Thanksgiving and never ended up making my own..haha woops!
Stephani helped me finish it! She loves crafts like I do! We had fun!!
The Simple Women's Daybook #5
As always if you want to participate you can head over here and follow the directions!
FOR TODAY December 15th...
Outside my window...The sun is shining!
I am thinking...how wonderful these cinnomon candies are!
I am thankful for...Teh Hubyy's physic class working out. We almost hit a snag with him graduating...he would have had to postpone it by a YEAR! ouch! Praise the Lord :D
From the learning rooms...Lots and lots of Hebrew. Final tomorrow!
From the kitchen...I have been a horrible wife the past couple weeks when it comes to cooking. Soo busy! Although I did make a yummy stir fry the other night. Yuumm!
I am wearing...My super cute black boots that I want to wear every single day ;), black pants, pink shirt and black jacket.
I am creating...Not much at the time..it's finals week! lol
I am going...To a Relient K/Toby Mac concert on Saturday for the Hubby's Bday!!
I am reading...The First Hebrew Primer..hehe
I am hoping...to get the rest of our Christmas cards out tomorrow...we'll see!
I am hearing...Someone in the house playing Christmas music... :D
Around the house...Is clean!!! I cleaned a LOT yesterday..now it's all pretty and ready for Christmas!
One of my favorite things...Working in a Christian Enviornment. We had a Christmas party this morning and we actually read scripture and focused on the actual meaning of Christmas!
A few plans for the rest of the week: The rest of finals!!! Then a concernt on Satruday, then dinner at the boss's house Sunday and then finally relaxation time!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Christmas Pictures
We went up to Apple Hill with the Hubby's family to have some fun getting apples and to drink yummy apple cider. We decided while we were up there to swing by the High Sierra Iris and Wedding Gardens to take some Christmas card pictures. This is where we got married and it was so fun to go up there again! The gardens were beautiful in the fall and our pictures turned out great!! Enjoy :D
By the way I said in the previous blog that I am so thankful that my Hubby is patient with me when taking pictures...here is a GREAT example of that...lol.
Thankful Thursday # 5
If you want to join in, click on the picture above and it will go to the Thankful Thursday home page.
So Today is my wonderful Hubby's Birthday! I am so excited to celebrate with him but unfortunately we will not be celebrating very much tonight. I have a 30 page research paper due at midnight and he has piles of math homework to sort through then we have Bible Study at 7:30..lol so we will be celebrating tomorrow!
1) I am so thankful that God brought my Hubby into my life when he did. We were young (and still are) but God knew what we both needed and when we needed it. God has been amazing. People always seem amazed that we are married so young, but for us it was God's timing. I could not image not being married to my Man right now. God's is Good :D
*At our Rehearsal, he looks so Handsome :)*
2) I am thankful for my hubby who is always willing to take pictures! As you can probably tell we take a LOT of pictures! I absolutely love pictures!!! I do all kinds of things with them and have to take a picture everywhere we go. I am so lucky that I have a man who doesn't mind it! In fact most of the time he loves the pictures to...just not when we spend a long time taking them hehe ;)
*One of our Engagement Pictures*

3)I am so thankful for my husband that he always wants to spend time with me. He is so amazing at making time to spend with me. We both have a crazy busy schedule right now (especially him working FULL time and taking a FULL unit load at school) but he ALWAYS has the time to sit on the couch with me and just touch. He is verrry good at giving me his time and attention. Thank you :D

*Jason with his brother Jean-Marc (Best Man) and best friend Jeremy*

5) And finally and most importantly I am thankful for Jason's heart. He is truly a man of God and does an amazing job at being the spiritual leader in our relationship. He is trying to follow after God with all his heart and encourages me to do the same. God has given us both the strength to follow after him and I thank God for this perseverance!
The Great Flood
The Simple Women's Daybook # 4
Thankful Thursday #4
1) I am thankful for being able to go to college. I had to recently write a paper on academic progress and why it is important. It got me to thinking that I take advantage of the position I am in. So often I just think about that fact that when my hubby and I graduate we are going to have a LOT of student loans to pay off. Yet we are in such an amazing position. As Americans living in the present age we have more access to education than any other people in history! And yet so many people become apathetic about their education. College is seen as a time to party now and to just have fun. Yet they are missing the real point. I am so thankful that God has given me the skills he had to be successful in College.
2)I am thankful for my Hubby. I am a dreamer and I am a planner. About this time next year I will be applying to Grad schools so of course being the person I am, I have been adamantly searching for a school for the past 6 or 7 months. hehe. He is so supportive of me when I'm day dreaming about where I want to go. My most current dream is to attend NYU. They have an AMAZING ancient history program that would be perfect for me and for some reason for the past year or so I have really really wanted to live in New York City. I will most likely not end up there but the Hubby is so supportive of me dreaming and talking about it...a lot!
3) I am thankful for Christmas decorating! The Hubby and had a ton of fun last night putting up our decorations. Our apartment is all ready for Christmas and we are in the Christmas mood :D.
4)I am thankful for our home group at Foothill Church. We have had one thing after another come up the past 2 or 3 weeks and haven't been able to go to bible study. But we are getting back into the swing of things tonight and are excited to see everyone! *Happy Birthday Stevie*.
5) I am thankful for the little moments. I am pretty busy throughout the week. I am taking 17 units and I work 30 hours a week not to mention taking care of the Hubby, cleaning, and homework. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do. I LOVE where I work and most of all I LOVE my classes. I LOVE being a biblical studies and history double major! But sometimes it gets busy and it's those little moments in the day that get me through. Such as being able to take a few minutes and post a blog :). Or waste some time on facebook or sit down and just talk with the Hubby. If only for a few minutes. Thank you God for those little moments.