

Vintage 1950's Photos-Part 2

A couple weeks ago my sweet Hubby and I had photos taken and we put a vintage theme on them. I have been wanting to do this forever and I am so happy with them! I posted a few days ago Part One of our photos. 

We took so many great photos that I'm spreading them out. But this post is still very photo heave. Enjoy!

I Love how my husband is looking at me in this photo! Love Him!

Okay, I am done with photos now!! {For today!} There are just so many great shots I couldn't narrow it down any more. 


  1. What great pictures. If you two were any cuter as a couple, it'd be a sin! I'd love to see the second train tressel one in b&w with just the pink in your dress and heels showing through!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Taylor Made Home. Love these "vintage" photos. I bet they'd be amazing in black and white. :)


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